ck2 best pagan religion

I would say go with the form of paganism you like best. You don't lose vassal opinion anyway when you raid, so the defense + morale + garrison bonus are insane compared to what you get from other doctrines (peaceful is pretty good too, i guess). Also offsets short reign. Some other day I read that this isn't a bug and it's working as intendent IMO Enatic is much, much better than Agnatic, because Agnatic prevents you from matri marrying, which means any chance to get a non-crafted bloodline is over, and because there are immensely more targets for matriarchal deposition than there is for the opposite. A religion's nature determines its attitude toward warfare and religious conversion. Rulers who are neither at war, nor raiding, nor bound by an active truce lose a significant amount of prestige per month. Best one in the loser tier. Incompatible with Sons Of Ragnarok and Invaders doctrines. They start as feudal, are unable to raid, have lesser chance to convert county religion, do not suffer from increased short reign penalties and may use ultimogeniture succession law instead of gavelkind. Totally fine for religions without 30% levy bonus, but if you want to expand then other natures are . Holding the Blood Games in the Grand Amphitheater grants an additional 200 Prestige. Enatic law is enforced, open succession law is unlocked. I will explain some of my choices based on how it worked out in my games. The Orthodox Pentarchy is also fun. on Paradox technology, Legal Before patch 3.0, Hellenic paganism also fell into this category. In particular, if Paderborn is held by a Germanic ruler and a Christian ruler occupies its temple of Irminsul (which normally occurs in the Charlemagne DLC's scripted invasion of Saxony by Karl of West Francia), all Catholic and Germanic rulers will receive a pop-up that the Catholics have burned the holy site of Irminsul, causing the Germanic faith to lose 10% moral authority for 10 years. Rurik Rurikid, Petty King of Holmgarr in 867, is the historical founder of the Russian Empire. Aztec religion only appears in-game if Sunset Invasion DLC is in use. It is not normally playable (even with Ruler Designer), but can be played using mods or by exploiting loopholes. If you have tribal government, it is recommended to choose either Agnatic Clans or Enatic Clans doctrine to avoid Gavelkind succession law. The ability to raid makes some pagans uniquely wealthy in the early game. The gavelkind succession law will remain even if you return to an unreformed pagan religion later. By PegaluxX, January 4, 2019 in Crusader Kings 2. However, it is good when you expanded before reformation, and want to settle down and rely more on our vassals and domain rather than stats of our ruler. Toggle signature. It's hard for me to rate a largely RNG mechanic highly. Reforming the religion removes these restrictions, allowing tribal rulers to use gavelkind and allowing feudal rulers to use primogeniture. Any tribal leader, whose religion is pagan unreformed, neighbouring a realm whose leader's religion is organized - e.g. Only disadvantage is that AI rulers will never convert counties but you can do that yourself). I think these are well balanced. Easily the best for power gaming, as you can directly target Great Holy Wars, and don't . Norse: Cultural one, then either agnatic, stability or blood sacrifices, depending on playstyle. Crusader Kings II. Children of Perun is weak. It combines mechanics from Dharmic religions and defensive paganism and offers quite a unique gaming experience. If we pick it as germanic, tengri or aztec we will lose any troop bonus that we couldve inherited from unreformed religion. Reformer gets a powerful artifact. I enjoy and make videos of strategy games, RPGs, and more usually in the form of crazy challenge runs, character roleplaying, or other ways to spice things up. Also Temporal gives u cool(gives tons of piety and prestige per month) lvl 4 artifact . Meritocracy is just delayed open succession after we get to Primogeniture law. AI rulers only try to convert provinces if zealous The only issue is there is a bug (Snow Crystal pretty much confirmed it's a bug) such that the religious head can never be venerated. However, stability is very low, and you have little control over your realm. By choosing to reform your pagan religion, you will lose all the old advantages such as attrition for enemies and subjugation wars, but gain all the bonuses of a civilized nation. Interactive corporate website, Monthly prestige +0.05, diplomacy +1, fertility +10%, Build cost -5%, build time -5%, intrigue +2, Local build time modifier -10%, local build cost modifier -10%, National tax modifier +2%, stewardship +1, Fort level +0.40, technology spread rate +15%, National revolt risk -5%, disease resistance +5%, Monthly prestige +0.03, learning +1, personal combat skill +5. Rulers lose prestige when at peace for too long. Pagan Religion Reformation Advice. I like this feature but it's tough to convert others outside your realm. That deserves recognition.,, UNITED STATES - The Cathar United States of Byzantium and Carpathia, Rulers can spend 500 Prestige and 150 Piety to increase courtier or own attributes. Hellenic). You want to play Sunni, because you can either get free learning or piety for even faster conquests. In 800 CE. Once your account is created, you'll be logged-in to this account. There is a trait that gives u another +5 same religion opinion. Women can take up to 3 consorts. Autonomous leadership bonus for an attribute depends on original pagan religion. The religious head can decide upon death to. (Especially after mass conversions.). Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Ancestor Worship. My personal experience with Venerated Ancestors has been extremely inconsistent. Unlocks divine marriage, allowing and encouraging incestuous marriages. JavaScript is disabled. AI rulers will try to convert their provinces. There are provinces with Bn faith in Tibet throughout the game but last playable rulers vanish in 1251, leaving Buddhists ruling Tibet. For Power, Divine Marriage is average. Also, as tech advances, rival feudal realms can take advantage to construct better buildings for greater economic and military power. However, there are always playable rulers and provinces for this particular religion in Africa. Nature: Peaceful ( you will rule a massive empire as a Roman and will mostly have Vassal Kings. Reforming the religion will cause a schism in the pagan faith. For feudal pagans, reforming makes it possible to raise crown authority to any level. Standard stuff for defensive pagans. Also for flavour. (There is one exception. Diviner read signs before a war to try to improve troop morale. Incompatible with Agnatic Clans, Harmonious, Equality, Polygamy and Meritocracy doctrines. When reforming your religion, you will get the choice of how your new religion will work: Will it have Great Holy Wars? This allows other pagans (especially Tengri and Germanic pagans) to fairly easily invade other pagans with conquest and subjugation casus belli. I may found bridge from new DLC's teaser. Its full potential is available when we are huge feudal empire and rely more on our vassal levies. - Discussion. Bloodthirsty Gods effects. ( But Imperial Succession is nearly same as heir designation so you may want to pick the Religious tax doctrine to get tons of cash. It also supports early-game dominance - you are next-to-none as a Germanic ruler in 867. You must log in or register to reply here. Access to Hermetic society. Also Hellenic religion lacks concubines. I used autonomous most often which gives some flat bonuses. Lastly, pagans may, by decision, convert to the religion of a spouse or concubine of a different faith. Followers 0. You are using an out of date browser. Raiding unavailable if culture doesn't allow raiding. You hardly get Short year penalty with Imperial succession. Hellenic Paganism : A. If there is levy size & attack bonus from unreformed religion or morale bonus from Animistic doctrine in first doctrine slot, it is lost. Romuva is the faith of the peoples on the east coast of the Baltic Sea, worshiping such deities as Dievas, Perkunas, and Laima. Each one can only occur at a certain, and different, time each year. This gives me some new options to consider. Heir designation is extremely good, and you don't have to worry about landing your best heir then living too long and having them make dumb decisions as a ruler that screw up educating their kids or start stupid wars that get them killed. I think that'd be the best. Seers (court chaplains) have a significant penalty to the chance to convert provinces on top of their likely-lower moral authority, and vassals cannot be demanded to convert. Crusader Kings II. being able to roleplay as discount Vikings as any pagan religion can be fun, and using rivers is always an interesting mechanic. It was the first game where I gave any titles to my family. It is important to quickly convert vassals who still follow the old faith due to the large opinion penalty. The pagan homeland attrition penalty does not function, however, against other unreformed pagans. Characters get a Rite of Passage when reaching adulthood. Btw, is there any reason NOT to take unyelding? No female temple holders. I wish it was more interactive (e.g. The love of battle among these pagans means that rulers incur no relation penalty with their vassals for having troops raised. I was new to HF just like everyone else and I had no idea what the end result would be. Is AV and Temporal actually working in conjunction for you or you just marrying into the saints' lines? Eldership succession law is allowed. There are no Hellenic rulers at any start date, but Hellenism can be revived in several ways: There is one special pagan faith that normally only appears in-game as the listed religion of long-dead historical figures. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Rulers do not receive opinion penalties for raised vassal levies. Reformation tends to grant benefits of stability and the capacity to declare wars on larger-scale targets that smaller pagan nations couldn't attack, but lose many of the benefits that would help a small pagan nation expand more readily or defend itself from larger targets. but i'm talking about game mechanics here, compared to Catholicism, Orthodoxy in-game has nothing unique really, hell, it didn't even have it's own Holy Order till recently. Doubles the pool for good commanders and councillors and as a bonus you can give consorts to your daughters. I've had games where several centuries have gone by and literally only one or two guys have been made Venerated Ancestors and they're usually some random idiot. In fact, if they have high moral authority, and have damaged rival religions' moral authority with their conquests and stolen holy sites, or control unreformed pagan lands, they will soon be flooded with notices of conversions of territories that are held by their vassals, who will put forth serious effort to convert their lands to their new faith. If you need Braunschweig to reform the Germanic faith it is best to conquer it in 769, while the Saxons still control it. Table View Card View (Such as reconquering Slavic lands as a Slav from Christians.) Jainism without doubt. Will it have a religious leader, like the Pope? Hellenic paganism was the faith of the Greco-Roman world before the rise of Christianity. Access to Hermetic society. Agnatic, stability are very safe options, but with the ship tech boost i always manage to kidnap one of "Niall of the 9 hostages" bloodline carrier, then incorporate tanistry after 2 gens into my empire. Proselytizing allows for faster conversion and you can also try to convert AI leaders with your court chaplain/diviner (or whatever the position is called). Civilised is closer to tier 3 than tier 1, if we pick this doctrine as Roman Emperor we will never use its full potential as we are locked in Imperial Elective succession. If fighting unreformed pagans is a priority after reformation, the Unrelenting doctrine or the Tengri equivalent (Eternal Riders) is recommended. Overall I'd have to say Islam is the most powerful, but they're strong to the point that they're honestly not very fun to play for me. Some Religions (Germanic) keep +30% Levies when they reform and will only loose it through unyielding. Duke-tier religious head common for all realms. So is it bug or is it not a bug? Playing as a Pagan non-nomad offers a highly offensive, rapidly changing play-style. Example: Your sister matri marries some guy from Ashina dynasty, they have a daughter for example, all you have to do is to matri marry her to your male heir. Penalty to moral authority (-15%) and to mission. Such penalties usually function to prevent any rival faith from taking their lands in spite of being relatively weak and of a rival faith that normally could be easily holy warred. Valve Corporation. Pagan religions retain some features when reformed, regardless of the features chosen during reformation. Although I admit the bloodline bugs with male consorts are beyond annoying. When I ran a Muslim realm with a capital in Marrekech, and put 1 castle, 1 city, and 5 mosques there, I felt like I was the most powerful guy in the world. Also has access to the decadence mechanic which can also increase demesne income with tribal or iqta governments. However, the Sons of Abraham demon child event chain will create Zunist "witches", who can be married matrilineally or assigned as guardians to children with the Faith or Heritage focus. Pagan non-nomads normally requires the Old Gods or Holy Fury DLC to be playable. a situation/mechanic that doesn't resemble real life in any meaningful way. I used syncretism as my doctrine in my Jurchen Bon game, its nice little bonus to relations if we want multi-culti empire, with a bit of rng help we can get 2 sympathies at once (with the use of faith focus). Penalties As I said, civilized isnt good for Roman emperor as he is locked into imperial elective, and lets be honest, if we are reforming hellenic religion then we are 99% roman emperor, Problem, realize that I'm a couple months late, but stability is a doctrine, not a nature, sorry, that's bugging me, "I changed my mind about divine marriage doctrine, it actually allows us to breed new bloodlines fairly easy into our dynasty.". Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Holy sites: Balkh, Gilgit, Lhasa, Purang and Khotan. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. The resulting empty holding slots further strengthens the horde. AI rulers will only convert same-group provinces. It says we can spend piety to improve curtier abilities but we can do it once per 5 years and can improve stat for one point. Alternatively, feudal kings and emperors can enact the "Full Council Authority" law and adopt feudal elective succession. Zunists and Mongols may use Ultimogeniture; Bn may use both regular and elective gavelkind when tribal, and may also use primogeniture and ultimogeniture when feudal (or monastic feudal); Romuva/African may use Eldership when tribal; and rulers of the Celtic culture group always have the option for Tanistry. PegaluxX. Rulers with Zunist holy sites in their demesne may also secretly convert to the faith. Bn rulers are playable with either Jade Dragon, The Old Gods, or Holy Fury. Matrilineal marriages are disabled. Similar story with Ancestor Veneration, but with more hassle of sucking up to the old dudes, the one disadvantage of Ancestor Veneration is that we must pick either Hierocratic or Autocephalous leadership (I think). This is in addition to the pagan homeland attrition penalty, which forces the large numbers of troops needed to invade a defensive pagan home territory to face severe attrition for the duration of any siege. With Holy Fury, Zunists can raid after reformation, as long as the reformed faith does not have the Peaceful nature. Enatic-cognatic law is available. For example, players who seek to reduce internal conflicts in their country, but still want to expand their boundaries, could use the following culture/religion/doctrine combination: Altaic culture, Tengri, Peaceful, Stability, Equality, Autonomous. What, in your opinion, is the best handgun? Invaders are only here because they have 3 shitty doctrines that are good when they are packed in one slot. You must log in or register to reply here. +5% Morale of armies. Note that Germanic pagans have as a holy site the county of Braunschweig, and taking that county will trigger the Catholic crusades (as well as the formation of every Catholic Holy Order but the Knights Templar) at the time that you take Braunschweig, so long as the year is 900 and the province is Christian. Interesting read. Great Holy War against a single disfigured child. AI rulers are less likely to start wars, plots and factions. Defensive pagan holdings also have larger garrisons (bonus varies per religion), making them harder to siege. There are 6 Natures you can choose from, all with their advantages and disadvantages: Peaceful Bonuses +3 Demesne limit. Because raiding counts as war, and they have county conquest casus belli that require no reason for war, however, few rulers need find themselves short on wars for long. "Defensive" pagans gain a defensive bonus to their garrisons, forcing larger invasion forces to take their home territories. No penalty for female ruler. For example, the average/casual player is probably not going be aggressively bloodline stacking. Ilmen in 769 already holds Novgorod as its capital, is a decently strong start, and has the advantage of being able to flip to Russian culture once the faith is reformed, allowing the acquisition of the "Russkaya Pravda" achievement. Thats all for now! Need the +3 demense to have enough personal levies and also +15 opinion combined with Augustus trait and Born in the Purple ( another +15 opinion) is pretty OP. Recommended Posts. Need the +3 demense to have enough personal levies and also +15 opinion combined with Augustus trait and Born in the Purple ( another +15 opinion) is pretty OP. I have received few private messages and some even answered to the thread when the post was very old. You also have to remember the example you've given is a really fringe situation exploiting several mechanics. This discussion is purely about game mechanics. Agnatic law is enforced, open succession law is unlocked. +15 vassal opinion. It requires either control of three holy sites and 50% moral authority, or control of all five holy sites. Most pagan faiths permit female temple holders regardless of gender law; exceptions are noted below. You finally conquered all the holy sites and can reform your pagan religion in Crusader Kings II (CK2), but there are so many choices now that you just need to look up what everything means. Flat bonus to levy, garrison size and moral. If there is levy size & attack bonus from unreformed religion, levy & garrison bonus from Unyielding nature or offensive bonus of Unrelenting doctrine in first doctrine slot, it is lost. Women can take up to 3 consorts. If dawnbreakers would have divine marriage paired with something else than polygamy it would be tier 1. Combined with not paying any penalty for raising their vassals' levies, this means offensive pagans can muster forces far beyond what their technological levels would suggest. Ship maintenance reduced to 10%. Pagans follow the old polytheistic traditions, spurning the Abrahamic and Indian religions' talk of a segregation between physical and spiritual realms in favor of polytheistic physical gods. Pagans can grant themselves divorces at will, but with a significant cash payment for the divorce and a -30 relation penalty to the divorcee's family. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Uuugghhh. your character tries to convert them personally, like carousing or something). Unlocks Raiding if unavailable (eg Hellenic). Reforming also provides access to the full set of feudal succession laws. Totally fine for religions without 30% levy bonus, but if you want to expand then other natures are better. The African faith is followed by the peoples of sub-Saharan Africa. With the Holy Fury expansion, requirements for reformation remain unchanged, but the player may select four "traits" for religion, which affects the set of available mechanics for the religion and provides various bonuses. Despite similarities between autonomous reformed paganism and Dharmic religions (followers of both has religious branch trait), the former still needs to deal with heresy (old pagan religion), while the latter has no heresies. Sky Burials. Even as Catholic I would land my kin (I tried to do that as Muslim and learned the hard way via decadence revolts to never do it again). In early start dates Kiev is vulnerable to Tengri nomads (it borders the Magyars), so you may find that fabricating a claim to conquer Rugen is an easier way to get your third holy site. Patron Deities. Knowing that Civilized is the best "peaceful" doctrine, pair that with stability, temporal so you decide your own holy wars and get a permanent artifact and set it to proselytize so that every follower of your religious works to eliminate religious bordergore. Holy Wars incur no relation penalty with their vassals for having troops raised incompatible Agnatic... 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ck2 best pagan religion

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