slovakia allies and enemies

It is important not to compromise on these values when dealing with partners that might not make or live up to similar commitments, Ms. Kobzov noted. I'm currently discussing things with the current Slovak president. 24 . We strongly condemn Russias unjustified military invasion of Ukraine and support current and future actions by the United States, the European Union, and international institutions to hold Russias leadership accountable. His presentation drew on this book and his broader research on political parties and politics in Slovakia, Central Europe, and elsewhere. A memorable evening of poetry recently for our Enemies celebrates Slovakian poetry event at the Rich mix arts centre, thanks to all who read, who attended and who supported the endeavour. 2 Stars, 0 product ratings 0. Hopefully it was all but a misunderstanding. He described the critical work performed by investigative journalists worldwide and the serious threats such journalists face, calling special attention to the 2018 murders of Slovak investigative reporter Jan Kuciak and his fianc Martina Kunrov. The Netherlands have an embassy in Bratislava. Allies and Enemies. Before 1991, both countries were part of Yugoslavia. In the 1990s, foreign relations, especially with Italy, Austria and Croatia, triggered internal political controversies. The complete text of Ms. Balogovs lecture is available here. Full blockade sanctions are in place on the following three significant Russian financial institutions: 13 of the most significant businesses and organisations in Russia now have new loan and equity restrictions. Enemies to Allies. Flows vary seasonally from the torrents of spring snowmelt to late-summer lows. Prior and during the Kosovo War of 1999, Slovenian top government officials called repeatedly for Slobodan Miloevi's compliance with NATO demands. The country's richest soils, the black chernozems, occur in the southwest, although the alluvial deposit known as Great Rye Island occupies the core of the Slovakian Danube basin. [23], Since August 1995 India has an embassy in Bratislava and Slovakia has an embassy in New Delhi. What countries were Slovakias allies? The Danube and another major river, the Morava, form the republics southwestern border. The establishment of diplomatic relations between the Republic of Korea and the Slovak Republic began on 22 March 1990. Forum | A teacher walks into the Classroom and says If only Yesterday was Tomorrow Today would have been a Saturday Which Day did the Teacher make this Statement? Slovakia is accredited to Colombia from its embassy in Brasilia, Brazil. Work and Play: It seems that now, the most effective way to stay healthy and be productive in this new eWorld is to mimic your real life, work from 9 till 4 on a Monday to Friday, then balance out your military, study and relaxation as you want. Dr. Cecilia Rokusek, president and CEO of the NCSML, welcomed the Washington visitors, saying, I am thrilled that so many of my fellow FOS board members are with us for this very special weekend, and I especially grateful that Ambassador Radovan Javork made time in his busy schedule to join us here in Cedar Rapids.. Log in. Your email address will not be published. Radovan Javork, Ambassador of theSlovakRepublic to theUnited Statesof America, Oga Gyrfov, Associate Professor,Comenius University, and collaborator of the Institute for Public Affairs, Bratislava, Andrej Matik, Deputy Chief of Foreign Desk and Reporter at Pravda daily newspaper, Slovakia, Welcoming Remarks: Kenneth J. Bombara, Chairman, Friends of Slovakia, Moderator:Thomas W. Skladony, Director, Friends of Slovakia, To attend the webinar, please tune in here: Latvian Foreign Minister Indulis Berzins and his Slovak counterpart Eduard Kukan met in Riga in 2000. I swear I didn't mean it. Both countries entered the EU at the same time, both are in the NATO, OECD and they closely cooperate as members of the Visegrad 4. Article 1: Worldwide, the US has a large number of allies. Thanks to the Litcentrum in Slovakia. Slovakia is represented in Luxembourg through its embassy in Brussels (Belgium) and an honorary consulate in Luxembourg-City. David Frankel, a founding director of FOS, moderated the discussion and a lively Q&A session. Item Height: 2.3 cm. World at War | Among the topics they will cover are public opinion in Slovakia. You are reading an article written by a citizen of eRepublik, an immersive multiplayer strategy game based on real life countries. In 2007, about 70 million euros were invested. Whom life had made ugly in the story of dodong and teang? Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students. Juliana Sokolova Simsik Ferencuhova Evans Zand Seferovic Peake Watts Chamberlain & Maria FerencuhovaEnemies project: Slovakian poetry - Prudence Chamberlain & Maria FerencuhovaErik Simsik & Marcus SleaseEnemies project: Slovakian poetry - Marcus Slease & Erik SimsikMeike Ziervogel & Juliana SokolovaEnemies project: Slovakian poetry - Meike Ziervogel & Juliana Sokolova, Supported byFree Word, the Centre for Information on Literature in Slovakia & Arts Council England. Norway. It firmly endorsed Slovenia's path into the European Union. Events on Saturday, September 18 included the opening of an exhibition of Slovak and Moravian headdresses curated by Helene Cincebeaux, the screening of a film depicting one womans attempt to uncover her Slovak heritage and identity, a discussion of the current visual art scene in Slovakia, and the premiere of a piano work by young composer Jacob Berenek written especially for the NCSML. Her work at the agency involved providing humanitarian and economic assistance in Africa, Central Asia, and the Middle East in ways that also advanced diversity and greater opportunities for women. Falls Church, VA 22041-9998, E-mail:, Friends of Slovakia Mourns the Passing of Secretary Madeleine K. Albright, FOS Ready to Launch Its Third Student Summit. Premieres Wednesday, Nov. 23, 2022 from 8 -10 p.m. on KPBS TV + Sunday, Nov 27 from 8 - 10 p.m. on KPBS 2 / PBS Video App. Articles, Our other games: War and Peace | Box 8033 It focused on the threat of misinformation and disinformation to democracy and featured two expert opening presentations. Within the Multilateral Cooperation Initiative between Slovenia, Italy, Hungary, and Croatia, cooperation exists in numerous fields, including military (Multinational Land Force peacekeeping brigade), transportation, combating money laundering and organized crime, non-proliferation, border crossings, and environmental issues. Complete embargo restrictions are in place against VTB Bank, the second-largest sector in Russia (VTB). The UK. Answer (1 of 35): Allies of the US are: India. He served as the Government Plenipotentiary for the Slovak Presidency in the Council of the EU between May and December 2016 and represented the Council as Minister Dlgu before the European Parliament. Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs about relations with Slovenia (in Dutch only). To promote a robust discussion while also respecting the privacy of the students, the summits have been closed to the public and no recordings have been made. Korok was a dynamic leader on many levels. Updates? I swear I didn't mean what I said. How do the protagonist assert conflicts and resolutions on the hierarchical state of affairs of the country. An ally may not always want to support a threatened nation, and an enemy may not always want to cooperate with another adversary. Hungarians and Serbs have indeed helped us before and I believe we can count on them would something happen. By 1996, however, the issue had been set aside, with Italy renouncing any revision of the Treaty of Osimo, allowing a significant improvement in relations. Friends of Slovakia expresses its full support for the sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity of Ukraine, and for the freedom and democratic aspirations of the Ukrainian people. In 2003, he served as the Head of Delegation of the Slovak Republic on Accession Talks to NATO and Member of the European Convention in Brussels. There are between 40,000 and 100,000 people of. Additionally, Slovakia and others are expressing solidarity with ordinary Ukrainians and providing them with necessary humanitarian assistance. On Saturdays and Sundays, try to maximize resting, learning and military, this should allow you to stay happy and healthy! 0. Brazil. Colombia is accredited to Slovakia through its embassy in Vienna, Austria. Slovenia has a record of supporting the U.S. position on Kosovo, both in regular public statements by top officials and on the Security Council. Maximum precipitation falls in July, while the minimum is in January. why Poland you throw a lot of names but the only reason i see is because we can't defend ourselves effiectivly we are under attack on the outside we just got control of our own goverment. The Enemies project: Slovakia. For the second year running, The Enemies project presented some of the most exciting contemporary poets from Slovakia collaborating to read original works of avant garde / literary poetry with British contemporaries. From May to July 1997, Slovenia contributed to Operation ALBA in Albania with a 25-person medical unit, which was well received and commended by the Italian commander. Cyprus is represented in Slovakia through its embassy in. South Africa is represented in Slovenia through its embassy in Vienna, Austria, and through an honorary consulate in Ljubljana. Students recognized the complexity of controlling disinformation and misinformation. The principal rivers draining the mountains include the Vh, Hron, Hornd, and Bodrog, all flowing south, and the Poprad, draining northward. That historic visit of three sitting presidents to Cedar Rapids drew an estimated outdoor crowd of 10,000, according to news accounts at the time. In the course of selecting positions in the cabinet, the SAS party headed by Richard Sulk, chose Amb. LP,Soul Scream - 7 Allies 7 Enemies LP, !! Both countries are represented in each other through their embassies in Budapest (Hungary). The Slovak Republic recognized the independence of the Republic of Azerbaijan on 24th January 1992. Slovakia and Liechtenstein established diplomatic relations on 9 December 2009. [8], Slovakia is accredited to Belize from its embassy in Mexico City, Mexico. He emphasized that the strength of that bond is rooted in the support of the Slovak-American community as well as those individuals, professionals, and organizations that consider themselves to be Friends of Slovakia.. While there is still room for greater participation, a growing number of women in Slovakia now occupy senior positions in influencing, planning, and conducting Slovakias foreign relations. Slovakia has an embassy in Berlin, an embassy branch in Bonn, a general consulate in Munich. Now for Article 2: Slovenia recognized Kosovo on 5 March 2008. Contents 1 Diplomatic list 2 Relations by Continent 2.1 Europe (Inside the European Union) 2.2 Europe (Outside of the European Union) 2.3 Asia On June 23, 2006, Slovenia opened its embassy in. The article, List of Us Allies and Enemies 2022, is still available to read. Switzerland. mierdzicie xD, Serbs already halped you (getting back on the map) and Serbs will help you again. ), In responding to Ambassador Javorks welcoming toast, Kenneth J. Bombara, FOS vice chairman, congratulated Slovakia on its successes in becoming akey member of NATO, the European Union, and the Transaltlantic community, while establishing astrong bond with the United States. Slovakia is represented in Malta through its embassy in Rome (Italy) and an honorary consulate in Valletta. Both countries established diplomatic relations in 1993 but previously had relations during World War II when Slovakia was a separate state. Argentina is represented in Slovenia through its embassy in, Colombia is represented in Slovenia through its embassy in, Slovenia is represented in Colombia through its embassy in, Guatemala is represented in Slovenia through its embassy in, Slovenia is represented in Paraguay through its permanent mission in, Mexico is accredited to Slovenia from its embassy in, Slovenia is accredited to Mexico from its embassy in, Paraguay is represented in Slovenia through its embassy in, Slovenia is represented in Paraguay through its embassy in. All member countries, with the exception of the People's Republic of Albania and the Socialist Republic of Romania participated in the invasion. Succession issues, particularly concerning liabilities and assets of the former Yugoslavia, remain a key factor in Slovenia's relations in the region. Amt fr Auswrtige Angelegenheiten (ed. However, the strength of these ties has fluctuated throughout . Just a quick comment really but it seems to help me! Despite the Hungarians drive to Magyarize the multiethnic population of their kingdom, by the 19th century the Slovaks had created a heavily mythologized identity, linking themselves with the 9th-century Slavic kingdom of Great Moravia. Slovakia backed-up Colombia's entry into the, Mexico is accredited to Slovakia from its embassy in Vienna, Austria and maintains an honorary consulate in. The Netherlands has an embassy in Ljubljana. So read the article to find out more. ): "Slovakia can send Ukraine MiG-29 fighters and tanks", "Czech Republic to protect Slovakia's airspace from September", "Czech PM: Our fighter jets will guard Slovakia's air space from Sept", "Ukraine conflict: Czech agreement to defend Slovakian airspace paves way for MiG transfer to Ukraine", "The 53 countries supporting China's crackdown on Hong Kong", "Slvnostn prejav Jeho Excelencie vevyslanca LIN Lin na recepcii pri prleitosti oslv 70. vroia zaloenia nskej udovej republiky a 70. vroia nadviazania diplomatickch vzahov medzi nou a Slovenskom", "LIST OF MEMBER STATES OF THE UNITED NATIONS (193) HAVING DIPLOMATIC RELATIONS WITH CAMBODIA", "Diplomatic relations between Slovakia and ", "EKONOMICK INFORMCIA O TERITRIU - Vchodn Timor", "Polisi and Greek, Slovakia envoys discuss cooperation", "Liechtenstein and the Slovak Republic establish diplomatic relations. Proud immigrant Trailblazing diplomat Distinguished educator Tireless advocate for democracy and the rule of law. The former first Lady of the United States. Get a Britannica Premium subscription and gain access to exclusive content. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). voted all players read this military tutorial. . The largest financial institution in Russia, Sberbank, is severing links with the US banking markets. Do you find this article useful?, World Health Organisation - Slovakia, Europe, Central Intelligence Agency - The World Factbook - Slovakia, Slovakia - Children's Encyclopedia (Ages 8-11), Slovakia - Student Encyclopedia (Ages 11 and up). Argentina. Czechia and Slovakia are close political allies. Ireland. Mexico. 5. Malta is represented in Slovakia through a non-resident ambassador based in Valletta (in the Foreign Ministry). History moves on, so that even as some issues are resolved, new challenges arise I am especially pleased to know that one of the signature projects of Friends of Slovakia today is your series of international student summits focusing on key challenges to democracy, such as disinformation, freedom of the press, and upholding the rule of law. (The complete text of the Btora letter is available here. Annual precipitation ranges from about 22 inches (570 mm) in the Danubian plains to more than 43 inches (1,100 mm) in windward mountain valleys. Australia is accredited to Slovakia through its embassy in Vienna, Austria. Can you stop spamming my articles Gabriele. Delivering in-person remarks were Slovak Ambassador Radovan Javork, Czech Ambassador Hynek Kmonek, U.S. [20][22], In November 2017, Slovak President Andrej Kiska paid an official visit to Mexico. According to some researchers, Slovakia is the most conspiracy-prone country in East-Central Europe, Ms. Klingov noted. Slovak Republic has been a member of European Union since 2004. Aviable language: Bulgarian, English, French, Italian, Spanish. Twitter Jozef Mintal, the second presenter, described how the Internet has increasingly become a source of hate speech and disinformation and explained how the largest social-media companies have attained such a global reach that they are beyond the control of individual countries. Rwanda. Italy was a firm supporter of Slovene EU and NATO membership, helping Slovenia technically and legislatively master its bid for membership in European and transatlantic institutions. Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs about relations with Slovenia, Slovenian Ministry of Foreign Affairs: list of Slovenian representations in Ukraine. Dr. Deegan-Krause distinguished between formal and informal institutions and compared governmental structures in Slovakia and the United States by looking at various types of accountability (vertical, horizontal, and diagonal) and identifying where there are weaknesses. Martin Btora, Slovak Ambassador to the United States from 1999 to 2003 (and a driving force for the creation of FOS), sent a letter of congratulations that was read at the dinner by Thomas W. Skladony, a founding director of FOS. Czech Republic has an embassy in Bratislava. And for what? Are you familiar with the US Allies and Enemies 2022 List? The multi-national Communist armed forces' sole joint action was the Warsaw Pact invasion of Czechoslovakia in August 1968. A long term collaboration between the Enemies project and The Centre for Information on Literature ( this curatorial relationship has allowed for some wonderful exchanges between contemporary Slovak and British based poets since 2012 and will continue to do so.We have hosted Zuzana Husarova, Maria Ferencuhova, Juliana Sokolova, Martin Solotruk . Your email address will not be published. Several of the Washington visitors also made abrief visit to nearby Iowa City, where they toured the campus of the University of Iowa and attended a tailgate party before the Big-10 Iowa-Kent State football matchup on September 18. Canada has an embassy office in Bratislava. Slovakia is bordered by Poland to the north, Ukraine to the east, Hungary to the south, and Austria to the southwest. In the first, Katarna Klingov, senior research fellow in democracy and resilience at the GLOBSEC Policy Institute in Bratislava, discussed social trends that enable the spread of misinformation and disinformation. The planned topic is democracy and the rule of law but in light of the Russian invasion of Ukraine the organizers anticipate at least some of the discussion will focus on the war and its impact on democratic societies. Alexandria and the others consider it a worthwhile investment." This article about Xenoblade Chronicles 3 is a stub. Allies or Enemies Lyrics. British Commonwealth and Foreign Office about relations with Slovenia, This page was last edited on 31 October 2022, at 17:45. Jana Kobzov, foreign-policy advisor, Office of the President of the Slovak Republic, described how her interest in democracy building and foreign policy developed at a time when Slovakia was not making decisions for itself. Today, one persons disinformation may be another persons free speech. He concluded by encouraging the students to think hard about various proposals to control disinformation, all of which have advantages and disadvantages. List of countries which Slovenia established diplomatic relations with:[1]. Peru. Would recommend. FOS special guests included founding directors Joseph T. Senko and Ambassador Theodore Russell, plus Andrew M. Rajec, president of the First Catholic Slovak Union, and his wife Idka. Once part of SFR Yugoslavia, the two republics declared independence in 1991 (Slovenia in June, Macedonia in September) and recognised each other's independence on 12 February 1992. The UK opened its embassy in Ljubljana on August 25, 1992. Unlike with some of Hungary's other neighbors, minority issues have not been a problem in Hungarian-Slovene relations. Jenna Stannis works for her. Required fields are marked *. Medium quality wood? Students responded that much rested on the development of a robust civil society that could resist antidemocratic challenges. Friends of Slovakia invites you to join a webinar entitled Russia Invades Ukraine: Implications for Slovakia on Wednesday, March 9, 2022, from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. EST (16:00 to 18:00 CET). The article, List of Us Allies and Enemies 2022, is still available to read. What is the difference between mango plants and maize plants in terms of root system? Countries that have a mutual defence pact with other states are considered allies. Israel has an embassy in Bratislava.[32]. 3 Stars, 0 product ratings 0. There is a joint Czech-Slovak peacekeeping force in Kosovo. Latvia is represented in Slovakia through its embassy in Vienna (Austria). The Slovene Government allocated 45 million SIT (US$250,000) to help Albania, Montenegro, and the Republic of Macedonia, one-third of which went to the latter. Slovenia took in over 4,100 Kosovar refugees during the crisis. Cally fights beside her. Slovakia Create. Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, Canadian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade about relations with Slovak Republic, Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, Austria Ministry of Foreign Affairs: list of bilateral treaties with Slovakia (in German only), Cyprus Ministry of Foreign Affairs: list of bilateral treatis with Slovakia, Greek Foreign Affairs Ministry about relations with Slovakia, Slovak Foreign Affairs Ministry about relations with Greece, Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs about the relation with Slovakia (in Dutch only), Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs about relations with Slovakia,, Slovakia's reaction to the 2008 Kosovo declaration of independence, Serbian Ministry of Foreign affairs about the relation with Slovakia, British Foreign and Commonwealth Office about the relation with Slovakia, Australian Department of Foreign affairs and Trade about the relation with Slovakia. Only integration or destruction will halt their military launches! The mutual agreement between foes and other countries also exists, but if one of the enemies is attacked, the others may not be able to assist. The establishment of diplomatic relations between Republika Slovenija and the Republic of Korea began on 15 April 1992. Particular attention should be paid to the role identity plays in society, Ms. Klingov said, as this constitutes a reference point for people to address issues that concern their development. Both countries shares 90km of common borders. Friends of Slovakia The reading featured Mila Haugova, Ivan Strpka, Marcus Slease, Colin Herd, Tamarin Norwood and others. Both countries established direct diplomatic relations on 1 January 1993. Are you aware of the List of Us Allies and Enemies 2022? Although a critical stocktaking of the Czech-Slovak relationship shows more discord than harmony, there was one splendid moment when the two nations stood firmly together. Tutankhamun: Allies & Enemies. The government has pledged to the Albanian Government its continuing support; Since November 1997, Slovenia has participated in its first. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Allies And Enemies Of Nature. This territory included southern Slovakia from Czechoslovakia, Subcarpathian Rus from Czechoslovakia, northern Transylvania from Romania, and the Backa region from Yugoslavia. Thailand. The . [42] In January 2009, the Macedonian prime minister Nikola Gruevski announced, that he expects more Slovenian investments in infrastructure and energy projects. Partnering closely with FOS in this effort have been Kevin Deegan-Krause, professor of political science at Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan, and a specialist on Central European politics; and Jozef Michal Mintal, assistant professor of political science and international relations at Matej Bel University in Bansk Bystrica, Slovakia, an expert on international cyberpolitics. The legislation, welcomed by both the representatives of the Slovenian minority in Friuli Venezia Giulia and the Slovenian government, started to be implemented in 2007, removing the last pending issue between the two countries. It agreed to be lead country for several initiatives in 1999, including hosting an environmental security seminar. [4] The transaction would also include the remnants of Slovakia's Soviet-era T-72 tanks. A long term collaboration between the Enemies project andThe Centre for Information on Literature ( thiscuratorial relationship has allowed for some wonderful exchanges between contemporary Slovak and British based poets since 2012 and will continue to do so. The next step is to develop policy recommendations that reduce or eliminate inequalities and create a more inclusive environment in which female voices may be heard, she concluded. v t e The foreign relations of Romania are conducted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs ( Ministerul Afacerilor Externe; MAE). Book Title: Creator's Children: Allies and Enemies by Valerie Walsh. Professor Mintal asked students to consider whether structural changes to our formal institutions are needed to respond to current threats to democracy. Romania has an embassy in Bratislava and two honorary consulates in. Youtube [39] Diplomatic relations between both countries were established on 17 March 1992. How Soaker Hoses Can Save You Time and Money in Your Garden? slovakia allies and enemies Slovak Republic maintains diplomatic relations with 134 countries, primarily through its Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Professor Wolchik asked students to consider what can be done to keep civil organizations accountable. The Slovak Wars go on because of old feuds over occupation as far as I can see. The original dedication took place on October 21, 1995 with the participation of Bill Clinton, U.S. president; Vclav Havel, president of the Czech Republic; and Michal Kov, president of the Slovak Republic. Slovenia granted NATO use of its airspace and offered further logistical support. They are related mostly to the succession of the former Yugoslavia, including demarcation of their common border. Senator Charles Grassley (Iowa), and local dignitaries. We have nothing like this at all in our colleges in Slovakia, Martina Hrvolov told Bruce Teague, mayor of Iowa City, at the Grateful Garage Tailgate across the street from Iowas 69,250-seat Kinnick Stadium. From the start of the rebellion to its brutal conclusion, Arlen has hunted for Roj Blake. Relations between Austria and Slovenia are close. The write-up shares detailed information on the same topic. Eventually FOS hopes the summits will lead to in-person conferences and international academic partnerships. 3. Serbian Ministry of Foreign Affairs about the relation with Slovenia. It is a member of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), the World Trade Organization (WTO), and the OECD. [40] Slovenia supports North Macedonia's sovereignty, territorial integrity, its Euro-integration and visa liberalisation. A farmer has 19 sheep All but 7 die How many are left? The second FOS International Student Summit was held on Saturday, October 23, 2021, and focused on political party systems and democracy, with Professor Kevin Deegan-Krause taking the lead, and Sharon Wolchik, professor of political science and a Central European specialist from George Washington University, serving as moderator. The suspect peppered Elgin Reynolds, 40, with gunfire after approaching the victim on 165th Street, near Jamaica Avenue at about 12:15 p.m. Friday, police said. The panel will also examine the impact of the invasion on the current governing coalition and response of its opposition on the domestic affairs and Slovakia's international standing and relations; the potential for a refugee crisis in Slovakia, and what the future holds for Slovakia's economy, among other issues. The article provides comprehensive information on the same subject. Since then, Italo-Slovene relations can be characterized as excellent. All three events address the theme, Challenges of Democracy. The students, faculty, and expert guest speakers from past summits have all participated virtually due to covid-19 restrictions and will continue to do so for the third Student Summit. Snow remains on the higher peaks into the summer months. It also is part of the Visegrd Group (Slovakia, Hungary, Czech Republic, and Poland), a forum for discussing areas of common concern. Its mountainous terrain is another determining factor. Guinea-Bissau is represented in Slovenia by an honorary consulate in Ljubljana. Australia. What do people think about NATO, Russia, and the United States in the context of Russian and other disinformation? [5][6], Dominica is represented in Slovenia through its embassy in London.[10]. Austria was, next to Germany and the Holy See, the most firm supporter of Slovenia's independence. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. 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