obama foundation donors
L. and J. Weiner Foundation Get the latest nonprofit news, funding opportunities, job openings, and more delivered to your inbox with Philanthropy News Digest newsletters. Brett J. Hart and Dontrey Britt-Hart* Robert and Jane Clark* The Gibbons Scattone Family Foundation Read President Obamas reflection on 2021, and see how were turning hope into action to support young leaders, build the Obama Presidential Center, and take on the biggest challenges of our time. Marcie & Nick Alexos The number of donors who agreed to give between $10,000 and $100,000 rose from 87 to 97 in the second. Google.org* Amy & Joshua Boger Microsoft Corporation Jon & Kimberly Shirley Jim & Wendy Abrams Jack & Jill of America Foundation, Inc. The Lostand Foundation Carol & David Pensky The donors page on the Obama Foundation website is currently unlisted, but they must have forgotten to take it down from the server. Jon & Kimberly Shirley* George Kaiser Family Foundation Kathryn H. Ruemmler Helene Gayle Casey Family Programs please try again later. The Lostand Foundation Nicholas and Monica Logothetis Marti Noxon Mailman Family FoundationMelissa Alvarado*AMC Networks*Amy & Michael Tiemann Charitable Gift FundThe Apatow-Mann Family Foundation, Inc.John Atkinson & Bonnie AtkinsonAtlantic Fellows for Racial Equity at Columbia UniversityPriya V. BalakrishnanRye BarcottCharles BarkleyBaskin Family FoundationCorinne Anne BaslerBob Baxley*Big Win PhilanthropyDr. The Rumi Foundation Mary Harrison The Europe Leaders program also builds upon the legacy of the Obamas, with a focus on shared values and ethical leadership. Kate Capshaw & Steven Spielbergs The Wunderkinder Foundation The Clinton Foundation (founded in 2001 as the William J. Clinton Presidential Foundation, and renamed in 2013 as the Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation) is a nonprofit organization under section 501(c)(3) of the U.S. tax code. In memory of William P. Mahoney Marsh Family Charitable Fund* Mary & Charles Sethness Charitable Foundation PopSugar Inc.* Violet St. John* Carol & David Pensky Illinois Tool Works The Chenault Family Georgina T. Russo Walter & Shirley Massey Donald & Elizabeth Thompson* Jack & Jill of America Foundation, Inc. Open Society Foundations Susan Shenk Susan Goss Brown The Grain Family Foundation, Inc. Steve & Lisa Gerber Robert & Susan Glovsky Fund The John & Marcia Goldman Foundation* Helene Gayle & Stephen Keith . I archived it for posterity HERE. The $1.9 million figure includes small donations that are not listed on the tax return. Thank you for signing up.Show your support! New donors who made cash contributions or commitments of at least $1 million between April 1 and June 30, 2019, include the Aliko Dangote Foundation in Lagos, Nigeria; the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation; the Kapor Center for Social Impact; and the Polsky Foundation.. Peter & Jennifer Scanlon* David and Beth Shaw, also of New York, contributed $250,000. The George W. Bush Foundation spent about $10.6 million and the Clinton Foundation spent nearly $8.9 million during that time, records show. Chicago Community Trust* David Millstein Lisa & Douglas Goldman Fund* Vinton Cerf & Sigrid Cerf Peter Orzsag The Goldberg Family Foundation The Obama Foundation reported one new donor of more than $1 million: Iger Bay Foundation, which is affiliated with the Disney family. Nike Foundation 2006-2008 Apparent Somali assassination order. There was a problem submitting. Linda & Richard Price Family Fund* Polsky Foundation Beth & David Shaw $90 million will go towards start-up expenses, including collecting artifacts, and designing exhibits. & Ann Christine Vilsack Jedd Canty Lester, Chanel, & Javon Coney Agnes Gund Ann and John Doerr The San Francisco 49ers The Patricia Crown Family The Fine & Greenwald Foundation Melissa Alvarado Capital One Services LLC My b-day present. Lauri Altman Posner and Brian Posner Jim Simons, whose net worth is estimated to be $15.5 billion, is the founder of a hedge fund firm, Renaissance Technologies, Forbes says. The John & Marcia Goldman Foundation Upon completion of the program, Leaders will have gained a deeper understanding of how values-based leadership advances their ability to enact change. Donald Verrilli* Ambassador Ronald Kirk & Mrs. Matrice Ellis-Kirk Silicon Valley Community Foundation Thomas J. Learn more about our fundraising goals to support our work to inspire, empower, and connect the next generation of leaders and bring the Obama Presidential Center to life on the South Side of Chicago. The first foreign donor in the $1 million-plus category was Tony Fernandes, a Malaysian entrepreneur and founder of AirAsia, while Rumi Verjee, a member of the British House of Lords and proprietor and chair of Thomas Goode and Co., committed to giving between $100,001 to $250,000 through the Rumi Foundation. Aliko Dangote FoundationThe Alphawood FoundationThe Andrew W. Mellon FoundationAphorism FoundationAT&TLynne & Marc R. BenioffThe Bluhm Family Charitable FoundationBlum-Kovler Foundation/Peter & Judy KovlerThe Boeing CompanyAmy & Joshua BogerThe Eli & Edythe Broad FoundationJohn & Jacolyn Bucksbaum Family FoundationThe California EndowmentSonya & Tom CampionMarcy CarseyThe Chicago Community Trust*Robert & Jane ClarkStephen CloobeckColleen & Bradley Bell Charitable FoundationRon Conway FamilyJames Crane & Whitney Wheeler CraneThe Crown FamilyAnn & John DoerrRay & Dagmar Dolby Family FundThe Donovan FamilyExelon CorporationFred EychanerTony FernandesFidelity Charitable (4)The Ford FoundationBill & Melinda Gates FoundationThe Gibbons Scattone Family FoundationScott Miller & Tim GillThe Goldberg Family FoundationThe John & Marcia Goldman FoundationLisa & Douglas Goldman FundGoldman Sachs Philanthropy FundKenneth C. Griffin Charitable Gift FundAgnes GundThe Harris Family FoundationThe Hauptman Family FoundationHealth Care Service CorporationMel HeifetzMichelle Yee & Reid HoffmanBarbara & Amos HostetterAndrew HoustonHutchins Family FoundationIger Bay FoundationIllinois Tool WorksIrving Harris FoundationJoan HarrisHamilton & Amabel JamesThe Jewish Communal FundThe Joyce FoundationJP Initiative, LLCKapor Center for Social ImpactMasimo Foundation for Ethics, Innovation & Competition in HealthcareJonathan & Jeannie Lavine, TrusteesJeff & Erica LawsonAmbassador Fay Hartog-Levin & Daniel LevinThe Reginald F. Lewis Family Foundation, Inc.Hobson/Lucas Family FoundationJohn D. & Catherine T. MacArthur FoundationJoe & Rika MansuetoDemond & Kia Martin FoundationMcCormick FoundationKatie McGrath & J.J. Abrams Family FoundationMicrosoft CorporationScott Nathan & Laura DeBonisNew York Community TrustNike FoundationPresident Barack H. Obama & Mrs. Michelle ObamaThe Oprah Winfrey Charitable FoundationTodd Park & Amy GengThe Parker FoundationPolsky FoundationJeanne & John Kevin Poorman through JKP Family FoundationLinda & Richard Price Family FundPritzker Traubert FoundationPrudential FoundationRattner Family FoundationRhimes Family FoundationRichard Paul & Ellen S. Richman Private Family Trust FoundationRobert & Jane Toll FoundationVictoria & John RogersRosenthal Family FoundationAmy & Kirk RudyCari & Michael J. SacksSchlosstein Hartley FoundationBarbara SchmidtService Station Foundation*The Share Fund II at The Tides Foundation*Beth & David ShawJon & Kimberly ShirleySilicon Valley Community FoundationIan Simmons through ImpactAssets Donor Advised FundMarilyn & Jim SimonsSomeland FoundationSteans Family FoundationMrs. Prudential Foundation Dave Free * Donors who have made new cash contributions or formalized written commitments between January 1, 2021 December 31, 2021. The Carell Family Trust Lisa Stone Pritzker Family Foundation Jay Kriz Blahnik & Ryan Kriz Blahnik+ Candid gets you the information you need to do good. The Edelman Family* James and Karen Frank* Exelon Corporation Steans Family Foundation* Trehan Foundation, Inc. The Hauptman Family Foundation Janet & Deonne Kahler Guggenheim Capital, LLC* James and Mary Bell* Andrew Tobias Ken & Lissa Solomon PGA Tour* Anastasia Greene To subscribe, select any of the newsletters listed below. Kenneth C. Griffin Charitable Gift Fund Another donor from the LBGT community is Fred Eychaner, an openly gay Chicago media mogul. Jill and Avram Glazer Franklin & Marshall College The Nayar Family Foundation UL* Service Station Foundation Elizabeth Becker Parker Jayant Khadilkar & Manju Karkare Bruce Carbonari Fidelity Charitable Anne & Bruce Strohm Family Giving Fund* A.L. Pamela Bass-Bookey & Harry Bookey Luci Johnson Richard Paul & Ellen S. Richman Private Family Trust Foundation Joe & Rika Mansueto John Atkinson & Bonnie Atkinson Thelma Golden Dr. Jane M. Green in honor of Dr. Harry & Mrs. Harriett Green* Juan Sabater Barbara & Amos Hostetter Stephen Cloobeck Edward & Paula Fearon Helene D. Gayle & Stephen N. KeithSteve & Lisa GerberRobert & Susan Glovsky FundThe Goolsbee FamilyMark GordonBarbara Grasseschi & Anthony CrabbAnastasia Greene*GRoW @ AnnenbergHamlin Kurihara FundHarry & Jeanette Weinberg FoundationMegan HolmesEstate of Nancy HomJohn HynesInner Loop Capital*Jack & Jill of America Foundation, Inc.Kenneth & Lisa JacksonPaul & Catherine Jefferys FundLuci Baines JohnsonDebbie Johnston Charitable Gift Fund*Heather JonesManju Karkare & Jayant KhadilkarKate Somerville Skincare LLC*John & Jennifer Kelly*John LamonicaLawrence Z. Eychaner was a top Obama bundler, and, in 2014, he gave $8.4 million in hard money to outside Democratic groups as well as $14 million to Democratic causes. The Bluhm Family Charitable Foundation* Irwin Mark Jacobs & Joan Klein Jacobs Marilou and Mark Hamill The Eli & Edythe Broad Foundation Michael & Ellen Alter Colleen & Bradley Bell Charitable Foundation John Shulman and Alison Bernstein Shulman Four foundations those tied to George H.W. Lloyd A. Fry Foundation* The foundation made the announcement early . Fred Eychaner Marilou & Mark Hamill Family Charitable Fund Melinda McMullen & Duncan Kime* Mel Heifetz Obama Foundation Discloses Third-Quarter Donors, Obama Foundation New Donors: Neil Bluhm, Steph Curry, Obama Foundation Launches Global Girls' Education Initiative, Annual Report Shows Obama Foundation Raised $232 Million in 2017, Obama Foundation Announces Latest Supporters of Presidential Center, My Brother's Keeper Alliance to Become Part of Obama Foundation, MacKenzie Scott launches giving website, details charitable process, Emergency Assistance Foundation awarded $45 million in 2022, Madoff Claims Picower Knew of Ponzi Scheme, Carl Shapiro to Return $625 Million From Madoff Investments, Baltimore school receives $5 million from James F. Knott family. The W.K. The group also received a $21 million stimulus grant from Department . Exelon Corporation Vectra AI, Inc. Scott Miller & Tim Gill The Weglarz Family, in memory of Cynthia Thia Weglarz-Rountree Obama Leaders also participate in various virtual experiences and special events, including one-on-one conversations with experienced mentors in the Foundations global network. Ropes & Gray LLP* Margaret Schink Shaw & Co.. ImpactAssets, in Bethesda, Md., promotes investments with social, environmental and financial impact. But while the Obama Foundation was able to get 11 new donors in its . Lewis-Sebring Family Foundation, Charles Ashby Lewis and Penny Bender Sebring* Jack Lew & Ruth Schwartz* Wayne Jordan & Quinn Delaney Anne & Andrew Weinstein Margaret Schink Nancy-Ann DeParle George Kaiser Family Foundation* WarnerMedia* Nicholas Logothetis Leslie Lewis Laurie & Jeff Ubben Masimo Foundation for Ethics, Innovation & Competition in Healthcare The Anne Wojcicki Foundation Andrew Houston San Francisco's Solazyme also received millions in stimulus funds from DOE Jesse Crowe Jeremy Tworek Rick and Christian Olson Family Fund Polsky Foundation* Barbara Stiefel New York Community Trust Jeffrey & Susan Lubetkin The W.K. James Crane & Whitney Wheeler Crane Christine Chang Rick & Christian Olson Family Fund Marcy Carsey Stanley Iezman & Nancy Stark* The Obama Foundation has disclosed the names of and general amounts contributed by its donors during the third quarter of the year.. Bob Baxley Peter and Jennifer Scanlon* James & Mary Bell Articles can always be subject of later editing as a way of perfecting them, Previous: Why the China lab leak is just another blatant psy-op reinforcing the main lie for utter morons, explained to child-minded adults with many colorful illustrations, Next: FDA Is But Another Pharmafia Agency Regulating the Public, The donors page on the Obama Foundation website. The Judy & Peter Blum Kovler Foundation Jane & Richard Mescon Mailman Family Foundation The Barney Harford & Beth Birnbaum Fund Calendly LLC Diane & Donald Schinnerer According to the foundation's website, which lists cumulative contributions in dollar amount ranges, donors who made contributions between July 1 and September 30 and boosted their total to at least $1 million include the Bluhm Family Charitable Foundation, which . The Alter Group* Marcie & Nick Alexos Kellogg FoundationThe Anne Wojcicki Foundation (YouTube CEO sister, Google owner partner and ex-wife)Kate Capshaw & Steven Spielbergs The Wunderkinder FoundationWayne Jordan & Quinn DelaneyMary & Jeffrey ZientsRobert & Carol Wolf Family Foundation, Ms. Patricia Passmore AlleyThe Atlantic Philanthropies*James & Mary BellMark Bergman & Susan GibsonThe Brin Wojcicki Foundation (Same Google love triangle as above)Vinton Cerf & Sigrid CerfChristine & John Bakalar Charitable FundTim CollinsLester, Chanel, & Javon ConeyDon & Anne Edwards Charitable FundDr. Steve Westley, Colleen Bell, Co-chair Andrew and Ellen Bradley They will be inspired to take further action, propelled by new ideas and skills. In addition to Rogers, Obama Foundation board members Robert Wolf and Penny Pritzker were among donors who on their own or through a foundation have now given gifts of at least $1 million.. Kapor Center Pedro Torres-Mackie* Lester Ward Giving Account Mr. Andrew Schapiro & Ms. Tamar Newberger To subscribe, select any of the newsletters listed below. Robert & Carol Wolf Family Foundation Ann & John Doerr The Obama Foundation reported on its new IRS 990 that in 2021, the foundation collected $159.6 million, down from $171 million in 2020. . Mack Wilbourn* The Boeing Company Ventas Charitable Foundation Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Joy in Blue Foundation* Tony and Amie James Susan Sher & Neil Cohen Fund at The Chicago Community Foundation + Donors who have included the Obama Foundation in their estate plans. Charles Smith Enterprise Holdings Foundation Bush . Two couples from New York, Lise Strickler and Mark Gallogly and Marilyn and Jim Simons, gave $330,000 each. David Richter* The Lostand Foundation Rosenthal Family Foundation The Donovan Family The Obama Foundation has disclosed the names of and general amounts contributed by its donors during the third quarter of the year. Robert R. McCormick Foundation National League of Cities Deutscher Evangelischer Kirchentag President Obamas deep roots in Africa and across the Asia Pacific have informed his values and faith in the passion of this generation of leaders across these regions. Sanam Rastegar Ambassador Robert & Mitsuko Orr Andrew & Ellen Bradley ITIL 4 Foundation introduces an end-to-end operating model for the creation, delivery and continual improvement of technology-enabled products and services. Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation*, Jim and Wendy Abrams* The Bluhm Family Charitable Foundation The foundation also released a list of new donors. The Fine & Greenwald Foundation Latham & Watkins LLP Ray & Dagmar Dolby Family Fund John Hynes Kenneth Solomon Dennis & Constance Keller* Total public support was $5.4 million in 2014, compared with more than $1.9 million in 2015, the return shows. Beth and David Shaw Lokai Holdings LLC Blum-Kovler Foundation/Peter & Judy Kovler The Gill Foundation of Colorado gave $347,000, followed by the Sacks Family Foundation of Illinois, at $333,334. The foundation representing basketball player Stephen Curry and his wife, author and television personality Ayesha Curry, recently donated between $10,000 to $100,000 to the Obama Foundation,. Yasmine & Matt Johnson* Rebecca & Lester Knight Family* Mindy & Jon Gray* A highly developed talent for collaboration, and an ability to interact with leaders across the Development team and the broader Foundation. Jeremy Liew & Ms. Ranee LanThe Lostand FoundationSusan LubetkinJoseph MacariMarin Community FoundationJane & Richard MesconWeston MillikenThe MJK Family FoundationRobert Rivkin & Cindy MoelisThe Museum of Ice Cream on Behalf of AlunaGeorgeNancy E. MyersThe National Association of Basketball Coaches FoundationThe Nayar Family FoundationNBA Players Association FoundationDoris J. NewtonMarti Noxon*The Oakland AthleticsThe Opportunity FundAmbassador Robert & Mitsuko OrrPeter OrzsagPamela Valinet CharitableMary & David Peirce*Penny Norman TrustCarol & David PenskyKathryn PetitMr. Linda & Richard Price Family Fund Revada Foundation Mary K. Bennett* John & Rita Canning* Doris J. Newton L. & J. Weiner Foundation We use cookies to improve your experience on our site. Lydia and Bill Addy* FedEx Corporation* Medical benefits include coverage for fertility treatments and prescription drug coverage. The Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) is an American think tank based in Washington, D.C. CSIS was founded as the Center for Strategic and International Studies of Georgetown University in 1962. (Carolyn Kaster / AP). Marin Community Foundation Yale & Irene Gotsdiner Family Donor-Advised Fund GCM Grosvenor* The MJK Family Foundation Alphawood Foundation Chicago, Fred Eychaner, Founder AT&T Sandra Thompson The foundation, which is responsible for developing the Obama Presidential Center in Chicago, lists the donors by monetary range instead of detailing the specific amount each donor gave.. Skoll Foundation Separately on Monday, NYU Langone Health, a medical center affiliated with New York University, said it has received a $166 million gift from Bezos and his family. John & Jennifer Kelly Atlantic Fellows for Racial Equity at Columbia University The Reginald F. Lewis Family Foundation, Inc. The foundation, which is responsible for developing the Obama Presidential Center in Chicago, lists the donors by monetary range instead of detailing the specific amount each donor gave. The Hauptman Family Foundation Stavros Niarchos Foundation (SNF), The Boeing Company* Marilyn and Jim Simons Hutchins Family Foundation Obama Foundation Leaders hail from a wide variety of nations and territories, work across public, private, and nonprofit sectors, and address a full range of social impact issues. Motorola Solutions* It was established by former president of the United States Bill Clinton with the stated mission to "strengthen the capacity of people in the United States and . Barbara Schmidt Quicksilver Fund In The Works Fund at the Chicago Community Trust Obama Foundation Leaders hail from a wide variety of nations and territories, work across public, private, and nonprofit sectors, and address a full range of social impact issues. Demond & Kia Martin* Paasche Pavia Family Fund* Barbara Stiefel Diane Meyer Simon Jesse Crowe Jai Suh* According to the foundation's website, which lists cumulative contributions in dollar amount ranges, donors who made contributions between July 1 and September 30 and boosted their total to at least $1 million include the So while this was a difficult year for many, it was also a hopeful one. According to the foundation's 2017 annual report, 94.9 percent of total contributions, or $220.7 million, came from individual donors, with the remaining 5.1 percent, or $11.8 . Health Care Service Corporation Kevin Xu, Rona & Jeffrey Abramson Foundation Brett J. Hart & Dontrey Britt-Hart Ambassador John Phillips In November, the foundation. For an average of 8-12 hours per month, the programme will bring together 35-member cohorts of emerging leaders from across the regions. Health Care Service Corporation* Darling Pamela Bass-Bookey and Harry Bookey* GRoW @ Annenberg Irving Harris Foundation Joan Harris* Four full-time foundation officials were among its highest-compensated employees, the return said. The Christopher P. Valenti Charitable Fund Mrs. Marjorie Susman & Ambassador Louis B. Susman CHICAGO Former President Barack Obama's foundation set a goal last summer of raising $1.6 billion between 2021 and 2026 to pay for construction of his presidential center and an endowment to . According to the foundation's website, which lists cumulative contributions in dollar amount ranges, five donors made contributions of at least $1 million between October 1 and December 31, 2018 the Boeing Company The Obama Foundation Scholars Program is a full-time, fully-funded leadership development program that brings together rising leaders from the United States and around the world who have demonstrated a commitment to finding solutions to challenges in their communities, countries, and regions. PGA Tour Bruce and Vicki Heyman* The Penn Biden Center the Ivy League think tank where lawyers found classified materials linked to the Obama White House is a patronage mill for the Biden administration. Penny Norman Trust Michelle Yee & Reid Hoffman Lewis-Sebring Family Foundation, Charles Ashby Lewis & Penny Bender Sebring Unable to update subscription. Hobson/Lucas Family Foundation Saks Fifth Avenue* Kevin Love Fund Victoria & John Rogers The Barry & Wendy Meyer Foundation National Philanthropic Trust Sandra and John W. Thompson Heather Jones Universal Music Group* AMC Networks Eileen & John Donahoe* Contributors - Obama Foundation Contributors Share $1,000,000+ Lydia and Bill Addy* Allstate* Alphawood Foundation Chicago, Fred Eychaner, Founder Barbara & Amos Hostetter Amistad Financial Good Works, LLC* Anonymous California Community Foundation Donation AT&T Patti Bao & Tony Xu* Colleen & Bradley Bell Charitable Foundation Some . The foundation's expenses were $2.82 million in 2015, so it spent more than it took in that year, but it ended last year with nearly $2.6 million on hand. Brad Smith and Kathy Surace-Smith Nancy Ellen Myers Masanori Kanda Ambassador Ronald Kirk and Mrs. Matrice Ellis-Kirk Jon and Kimberly Shirley, Ian Simmons through ImpactAssets Donor Advised Fund Antoinette Bush Silicon Valley Community Foundation EveryAction, Inc.* Ulice Payne, Jr.* Catherine M. & Frederick H. Waddell* Three donors made additional contributions during the second quarter to boost their cumulative total to at least $1 million: Steven Spielberg and Kate Capshaw's Wunderkinder Foundation; the Someland Foundation (formerly the Sara and Evan Williams Foundation); and Microsoft chair John W. Thompson and his wife, Sandra. Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz The Obama Foundation voluntarily discloses its donors each quarter, providing broad ranges in which each donor contributed. Founded in 2014, the Barack Obama Foundation oversees creation of a presidential library in Chicago and runs several other programs. Gilbert S. Omenn and Martha A. New York Road Runners, Inc. Jane A. Lehman & Alan G. Lehman Foundation Debbie Driesman & Frank Islam* The Chenault Family George Lucas Family Foundation Mel Heifetz Sacks Family Foundation The Builders Initiative $470 million will seed an endowment that will sustain the Obama Foundations work for generations to come. Lisa Stone Pritzker Family Foundation The Obama Foundation's mission is to inspire, empower, and connect people to change their world. Felice FrankelConnie & Sankey WilliamsThe Jewish Communal FundNicholas & Monica LogothetisThe Philip & Tammy Murphy Family FoundationAlison & Mark PincusKim & Nicholas RomanoDona & Sam Scott FoundationJohn Shulman & Alison Bernstein ShulmanSilicon Valley Community FoundationBarbara Stiefel, The Alter GroupMichael & Ellen AlterAnne & Bruce Strohm Family Giving FundJay Kriz Blahnik & Ryan Kriz Blahnik+Jedd & Dara CantyEdward & Paula FearonFedEx CorporationFisher Family FoundationJason & Crystal GoldmanBrett J. Hart & Dontrey Britt-HartAmbassador Bruce Heyman & Vicki Heyman*Horowitz Family FoundationAmbassador Ronald Kirk & Mrs. Matrice Ellis-KirkLewis-Sebring Family Foundation, Charles Ashby Lewis & Penny Bender SebringLisa Stone Pritzker Family Foundation*Edward & Paula HughesPamela & William HurleyKarla JurvetsonTom KartsotisThe Kresge FoundationMinow Family FoundationThomas Nides & Virginia MoseleyGilbert Omenn & Martha DarlingUlice Payne, Jr.The Rockhaven Charitable FundSkoll FoundationStripe, Inc.Andrew TobiasRanvir & Adarsh Trehan/Trehan FoundationThe San Francisco 49ersKevin XuThe University of ChicagoThe Rumi FoundationAaron & Ana Zamost, Jim & Wendy AbramsRona & Jeffrey AbramsonMarcie & Nick AlexosJack AlottoAlpenglow FoundationA.L. John Lamonica Kenneth C. Griffin Charitable Gift Fund During their program experience, these emerging leaders, ages 24 through 45, build a strong community of support founded on a shared commitment to values-based leadership as demonstrated by President and Mrs. Obama. People in every corner of the world are experiencing the consequences of a warming planet. Unable to update subscription. Intel Corporation AT&T* The Jewish Communal Fund Candid gets you the information you need to do good. Mitchell Kapor Chums, Incorporated Rodney & Sue Lee Silicon Valley Community Foundation Tyler Perry* The John & Judy McCarter Family* Gilbert Omenn & Martha Darling Contributions to the California Community Foundation represent irrevocable gifts subject to the . We would like to recognize the generosity of our Founding Donors who invested early and at a critical juncture: before we broke ground on our permanent home on the South Side of Chicago. HAND Foundation Keri, Danielle, & Stan Hausner* About the Obama FoundationAt the Obama Foundation, we are guided by a core belief: that ordinarySee this and similar jobs on LinkedIn. The Links Foundation, Incorporated* The center conducts policy studies and strategic analyses of political, economic and security issues throughout the world, with a specific focus on issues concerning international . Walter Massey J. Michael & Meena Korff Debbie Johnston Charitable Gift Fund Last year, the foundation stopped listing the names of donors in the IRS filing. Mrs. Marjorie Susman & Ambassador Louis B. Susman And according to a new book, he had much saltier things to say in private. Franklin & Marshall College The Robert and Susan Glovsky Fund Fred & Flora Khosravi Fidelity Charitable (3) Cintra Pollack Susan D. Shenk Hawaiian Electric Industries, Inc. Goldman Sachs Philanthropy Fund* James & Caroline Clark Michael Jordan and Family* Please try again. Someland Foundation Checks should be mailed to: California Community Foundation. Mark Bergman & Susan Gibson* The Iqbal & Shelby Mamdani Foundation Horowitz Family Foundation Stripe, Inc. Amy & Michael Tiemann Charitable Gift Fund Google.org* President Barack H. Obama and Mrs. Michelle Obama* Rhimes Family Foundation Jeff & Erica Lawson The Anne Wojcicki Foundation, The Addy Foundation A. Robert Pietrzak Jean Ellen Taylor* Craig Troyer Shannon Brayton John Boiler & Kari Boiler . Gayle King* $830 million will support the Center. Jeremy Tworek Marcus Mitchell* Connie & Sankey Williams, The Alter Group Ursula M. Burns Glen de Vries To be continued?Our work and existence, as media and people, is funded solely by our most generous readers and we want to keep this way. Estate of Nancy Hom+ Maria Contreras-Sweet Gwendolyn Weiner, The EOS Foundation Trust Sheli and Burton Rosenberg* A majority of the foundation's money last year came from just 13 undisclosed donors. Atlantic Fellows for Racial Equity at Columbia University Three previous donors Illinois Tool Works; Obama Foundation board member John Kevin Poorman and his wife, Jeanne, through theJKP Family Foundation; and Louis B. Susman, who served as ambassador to the United Kingdom in the Obama administration, and his wife, Marjorie made additional contributions that boosted their total giving to the foundation to at least $1 million. The Patricia Crown Family* The foundation is to name an architect for the presidential center in coming weeks. William Jones & Cheryl Sueing-Jones* He founded D.E. Juan & Leticia Salgado The foundation shared the news early Monday and, in a press release, called Bezos' gift "the largest individual contribution received to date.". CME Group Foundation* Wayne Jordan & Quinn Delaney Mark Gordon New donors who gave between $250,001 and 999,999 include Barbara Stiefel, a Florida megadonor to Obama campaigns ($250,001-$500,000); John Bakalar, a former Rand McNally & Company executive, and his wife, Christine, through the Christine & John Bakalar Charitable Fund ($250,001-$500,000); and Walt Disney Studios chair Alan Horn and his wife, Cindy ($500,001-$750,000). , Inc donald Verrilli * Ambassador Ronald Kirk & Mrs. Matrice Ellis-Kirk Silicon Valley Community Foundation also received $! Chicago media mogul need to do good change their world University the Reginald F. Lewis Foundation! Kelly Atlantic Fellows for Racial Equity at Columbia University the Reginald F. Lewis Family Foundation * Trehan Foundation Inc... Shirley Jim & Wendy Abrams Jack & Jill of America Foundation, obama foundation donors Charitable Gift Fund donor... 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