kiwanis international convention 2023
You'll need to provide your registration details (your contact information and your club ID) to your . 6. June 21 Kiwanis International Board meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA want to amplify their team-leadership skills." Kiwanis International is oering this program which will begin online on April 3, 2023. 2025 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Join us at the 2023 Kiwanis International Convention in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA! All ads are subject to review and approval of the LaMissTenn Kiwanis District Executive Director. District leadership will judge the entries and select which ones will advance to the international level. so you can engage with Kiwanians around the globe. Expand your clubs fundraising methods. Privacy Notice | July 16-19, 2023 CKI International Convention, Las Vegas, NV . October 11: Lt. Kiwanis International is a global organization of members dedicated to serving the children of the world. Club submissions for the seventh annual Kiwanis International Signature Project Contest will be accepted through January 27th. Each charter club in good standing shall be entitled to three (3) delegates to the convention. Cash/Venmo/Checks Accepted. Retention. July 21 Kiwanis International Europe Office closed, Ghent, Belgium 2022-2023 Inter-club Award; 2022-2023 Distinguished Club Award; 2022-2023 Newsletter Contest; About Kiwanis; Contacts, Leadership and Links. International Convention; District Convention. October 10 - 14: Kiwanis Youth Protection Week. The Kiwanis Vision. Governor Elections for Div. However, if any mask requirement is in place at the time the convention is held, attendees agree to comply with the requirement and wear a face covering as required by law. August 31 Deadline for all district requirements to be submitted to Kiwanis International to remain District in Good Standing Upcoming conventions: August 11-13, 2023 in Springfield, OH August 9-11, 2024 in Toledo, OH August 2025 in Youngstown, OH October 17 - 21: Circle K International Week (CKI) November 24-25 Thanksgiving Holiday, Kiwanis International Office closed, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA Convention registration will be open early in the new year. To Every member Continue Reading Posted in: Uncategorized Learn about the bigger Kiwanis picture and meet other DCON first timers. Home; Updated Health Protocols; Education Opportunities; The January issue was recently sent to members by email. October 2022. Kiwanis International. OCTOBER 2022 Minneapolis, Minnesota, U.S., is easy to get to, easy to explore and is These delegates shall be elected not less than thirty (30) days prior to the convention. Tickets are $10 each. Circle K District Convention and Events. Our site will be updated as soon as information is made available. photo by Avery . Please check back once registration opens. Event calendar covering 30 industries in 50 cities,, Nations Best Sports Winter Specialty Market 2023, ABCA Convention 2023 - American Baseball Coaches Association. Explore all the ways you can prepare young leaders for the future and the impact theyll make in the world. 2022, 2023. January 19-22 Circle K International Winter Board meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA August 11-12 Kiwanis International Rocky Mountain District Convention, Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA Club submissions for the seventh annual Kiwanis International Signature Project Contest will be accepted through January 27th. Quebec City is one of Canada's most distinct jewels; unique in all the land. Kiwanis International. Kiwanis International is a global organisation of volunteers dedicated to improving the world one child and one community at a time. District Convention - Pacific Northwest District Pacific Northwest District Chartered in 1918 Kids Need Kiwanis District Convention This year the PNW District Convention (DCON) is in Portland, Oregon, and will be held August 17-20, 2023. Check out the latest LAMSTN District news here: District Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes, Foundation Bylaws, Policies & Administration, Official Call to the Annual District Convention, Things To Do & Restaurants in Lafayette (coming soon), Certificate of Election of Delegates & Alternates (coming soon), DCON Program Advertisement Order & Submission Form, Year-End Gifts to Kiwanis Children's Fund posted by 12/31, Deadline for District Circle K and Key Club Scholarships, Mid-Year Regional Conference for Region V, Mid-Year Regional Conference for Region III, Mid-Year Regional Conference for Region VI, 2022-2023 District Foundation Board Meeting, Mid-Year Regional Conference for Region VII, Mid-Year Regional Conference for Region I, Mid-Year Regional Conference for Region IV, Mid-Year Regional Conference for Region II, District Board Meeting, March 2023 (virtual), Submission Deadline for the LaMissTenn District News (April 2023 issue), Submission Deadline for District's prior FY statements to KI, Key Club GATC (Governor & Administrator Training Conference), 2022-2023 Kiwanis Lt. A la carte Registration ($30) This will allow attendance to all sessions other than meal sessions and allow the a la carte selection of meals:, Free shipping for many products! It will be an in person Convention. Use the form at the link below to submit the names of your Clubs elected delegates and alternates. INCLUDES: Opening session with Dan Faill, three sets of educational forums, the Saturday Luncheon with International President Bert West and our afternoon closing session. March 31Deadline for Kiwanis districts to submit prior fiscal year financial statement examination and governmental filing (tax return) to Kiwanis International Finance Department. community. West Allis, Wisconsin. ), (Include the alternate's name, office, and e-mail or telephone number. JUNE 2023 Help decrease the cost of DCON by purchasing an advertisement in the official program. Contact Us; New Club Registration; Kids Need Kiwanis 2023 Virtual Midyear Education Conference Saturday February 25, 2023 9:00 AM - 1:00 pm . Delegate Form 2023 - Pacific Northwest District Pacific Northwest District Chartered in 1918 Kids Need Kiwanis Delegate Form 2023 Each charter club in good standing shall be entitled to three (3) delegates to the convention. Impact. October 17-21 Circle K International Week An alternate should be chosen for each delegate. November 30 Deadline for club dues to be sent to Kiwanis International This is NOT a convention registration form. Learn ways to coach members of Service Leadership Programs. Late Rate: $135 through February 1. Save the Date! PA District Kiwanis International. Together, we work to improve the lives of children in our community and around the world. Increase the positive impact your clubmakesinthe lives of children. Kiwanis International Convention June 8-11, 2022 Indianapolis, Ind. In accordance with Section 7B(c)(i) of the District Policy Statements this shall serve as the District-wide announcement of the candidacy of all persons for the offices of 2023-24 Vice Governor, Governor-Elect and Governor whose submissions have been received and certified by the District Office as of today: Congratulations to the Kiwanis Club of Petersburg for chartering a Builders Club at Vernon Johns Middle School! We are a group of dedicated volunteers who have a passion for community service and friendship. Helpful Links. All attendees agree to regularly wash their hands. Illinois-Eastern Iowa District of Kiwanis International HOUSE OF DELEGATES Saturday, July 30, 2022 Bettendorf, Iowa. Our theme this year is "Creating Brighter Futures" in honor of Youth Arts Month.This means fun activities to bring your blank canvas or a . Enjoy your tour and thank you for visiting. Kids Need Kiwanis Missouri-Arkansas District Contact us at 636-575-4070 or email: Welcome to the Web Site of the Missouri-Arkansas District of Kiwanis International. 2022-2023 Inter-club Award; 2022-2023 Distinguished Club Award; 2022-2023 Newsletter Contest; About Kiwanis; Contacts, Leadership and Links. This year, the convention will be July 5-9 in Anaheim, California, U.S. It's a fun and educational experience that turns high school students into strong and confident leaders. August 15 Kiwanis International Europe Office closed, Ghent, Belgium The Kiwanis Mission. July 16-19, 2023 CKI International Convention, Las Vegas, NV August 25-27, 2023 Georgia District Convention, Marriott Savannah Riverfront, Savannah, GA August 31, 2023 Deadline for all District requirements to be submitted to KI. 5. February 15 Deadline for all U.S. Kiwanis family clubs and districts to file IRS tax returns (Form 990, Form 990-EZ or Form 990-N) Kiwanis Malaysia District is proud to be hosting the 2023 ASPAC Convention at the Lexis Hibiscus Resort in Port Dickson, Malaysia from 16-18 March 2023. **Numbers based on December 2022. 1, 3 & 4. District leadership will judge the entries and select which ones will advance to the international level. Delegate Form 2023; Mid-Winter Conference; Online Auction; Programs. Kiwanis District Convention August 12-14, 2023 Middleton, Wisconsin. January 2 Kiwanis International Offices (Ghent, Belgium, and Indianapolis, Indiana, USA) closed 350 Calle Principal, Monterey, CA 93940. Complete sponsorship and advertisement information is available here. Texas-Oklahoma Kiwanis Foundation; Past Lt. Governor's Association; Clubs for Every Age. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright 2022 | All Rights Reserved | Kiwanis International, (Include the delegate's name, office, and e-mail or telephone number. Chartered in 1920 Kids Need Kiwanis Convention 105th Annual Convention will be held at the DoubleTree by Hilton in Lafayette, LA. Per District Bylaws, each chartered club in good standing is entitled to three (3) voting delegates and three (3) alternate delegates as representatives at the Annual District Convention. North Whitfield Middle School students after they presented Junie B. Jones The Musical JR. for adjudication at the Junior Theater Festival Atlanta. We look forward to welcoming the delegates from the Asia-Pacific and International Kiwanis Clubs to Malaysia, after a 2-year wait for face to face meetings and networking. August 15 Deadline to file Form 990 and Form 990-EZ extensions if needed June 21-24 2023 Circle K International Convention, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA APRIL 2023 Presenters will provide some tips and tricks to make your first Kiwanis DCON (District Convention) a success. Check back soon for the registration link. October 10: Final changes due for the 2022-2023 club rosters. For more about Kiwanis see: MARCH 2023 August 16-20 Kiwanis International Michigan District Convention, Frankenmuth, Michigan, USA Circle K District Convention and Events. Please note any dietary restrictions below and contact Bart Stevens with any requests or concerns. Elect the leaders with a vision and a Learn ways to coach members of Service Leadership Programs. The District Caucus will be held on Friday, June 10th at 8:00 AM in rooms 203-204 at The Indianapolis Convention Center. The Kentucky-Tennessee district has the honor and pleasure to invite you to attend the 2023 K-T District Convention from March 31st-April 2nd at the Park Vista Doubletree Hotel in Gatlinburg, Tennessee. Contact District Office; KT District Directory; Kiwanis Family Links; KY/TN District Partnerships; Past Lieutenant Governors Association (PLGA) Events (Conventions and Training) Convention; Kiwanis . Hand sanitizer will be supplied at the meetings. International Convention NURTURE THE FUTURE Join us at the 2023 Kiwanis International Convention in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA! Your Foundation: Scholarships, Club Grants, and More! May 18-21 Kiwanis International-Europe convention, Amsterdam, Netherlands July 3-6, 2024 - Denver, Colorado. 2023 District Convention - Pennsylvania District Kiwanis International Kids Need Kiwanis 2023 District Convention Kiwanis in Electric City Cooler of Cheer Package valued at $1,200! JULY 2023 To purchase a ticket (s) please email: August 18-20 Kiwanis International Capital District Convention, Richmond, Virginia, USA Currently, there is no mask requirement in Minneapolis, Minnesota. June 25-28, 2025 - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Today we honor Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Capital District Kiwanis wants your help selecting its next District Polo Shirt! Discover service projects to increase your impact. January 14, 2023 by admin. January 21 108th anniversary of Kiwanis International 2022-2023 Governor R. Bruce Hammatt 2022-2023 LA-MS-W TN District Goals Bruce Hammatt, proudly serving as Governor-elect of LAMISSTENN: Retired after over 30 years of service in the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality, served as Assistant Secretary with over 350 employees Member of the Kiwanis Club of Baton Rouge for nearly 30 years. These delegates shall be elected not less than thirty (30) days prior to the convention. MAY 2023 Kiwanigram MO-ARK's newsletter will now be published monthly. The award winner will be announced in the July/August/September issue of the LaMissTenn District Kiwanis News, and at the District Convention, where the awards will be presented . , Check out the latest LAMSTN District news here: If you are interested in becoming part of the District Leadership team, please take the time to read Governor-Elect Rogena Woods-Mitchell's article on page six and complete her Leadership Development Survey at: The Capital District Kiwanis Midyear Conference will be held March 3-5, 2023 in Arlington, Virginia at the recently-renovated Hyatt Regency Crystal City, a short metro ride away from great attractions for the family in our nation's capital!. Kiwanis will have COVID-19 testing kits available at the convention. This means that an attendee can truthfully attest that I have received my complete vaccine regimen (2 shots for Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, Covaxin, Covishield, Sinopharm, Sinovac, or Novovax/Covovax, or 1 shot for Johnson and Johnson), and 14 days or more has passed since my final shot or have tested for COVID-19 and received a negative test result within 5 days of the first day that the attendee will be attending meetings.". Discover service projects to increase your impact. Required for Kiwanis, Circle K International and Key Club districts and district foundations Kiwanis International. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for 1936 Press Photo Kiwanis holds 20th annual international Conclave - nec68701 at the best online prices at eBay! Registration is open until March 23rd, and the cost is $200 for Kiwanis members. The increased educational tracks offered at the convention meet the requirements of educational expenses allowed to be deducted from a clubs service account. Monterey Marriott. home to world-class hotels and exciting attractions for convention Cultivate the skills that will help you nurture tomorrow's leaders. Be sure to register early and get our early-bird discount. If no member of your Club is able to attend convention, you may prearrange to have representation through the current or past Lieutenant Governor who is a member of another club within your division. The club submitting the winning nominee will be notified as soon as possible following the selection. Submit your design in a JPEG format or tell us what you want to say and we will design the ad for you! Lt. September 10-16 Celebrate Community Week May 29 Kiwanis International Offices (Ghent, Belgium, and Indianapolis, Indiana, USA) closed Each delegate will be entitled to cast one vote and in his/her absence an alternate may cast one vote. Membership Renewal and Engagement Strategies. May 18-20 Kiwanis International Eastern Canada and the Caribbean District Convention, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada Redesigned master classes will go deeper into leadership training and community service with subject-matter experts. In an atmosphere of fun and friendship, Kiwanians aim to make a difference. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA June 25-28, 2025 September 15-16 Kiwanis International Belgium-Luxembourg District Convention, Roeselare, West-Vlaanderen, Belgium Kiwanis International serves children and communities worldwide with nearly 600,000 adult and youth members in more than 80 nations and geographic areas. Today, Kiwanis International stands with more than 550,000 members from K-Kids to Key Club to Kiwanis and many ages in between in 80 countries and geographic areas. August 17-23 Kiwanis International Florida District Convention, Orlando, Florida, USA Way to go, LA-MS-W TN district! K-Kids; Builders Club; Key Club International; Texas-Oklahoma Key Club . Click plus button to add another delegate. Manila, Luzon, Philippines June 24-27, 2026, Copyright 2018 Kiwanis International. 2023 Minneapolis, Minnesota June 21-24, 2023. Submission deadline: July 12, 2023. Finalists will be honored, and winners announced, at the 2023 Kiwanis International Convention. GROUP Registration May 1-15Letters sent to convention delegates of past due balance for Kiwanis clubs of US$150 or more. BY CHECKING THE BOX ABOVE, I ACKNOWLEDGE THAT I HAVE READ AND UNDERSTOOD ALL OF THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT AND THAT I AM VOLUNTARILY GIVING UP SUBSTANTIAL LEGAL RIGHTS, INCLUDING THE RIGHT TO SUE THE COMPANY. Any attendee who has not received the vaccines as stated above and has been knowingly exposed to an individual who is positive for COVID-19 within 10 days prior to the meetings is prohibited from attending the meetings. Social media. The convention will focus on educating members on how to be great leaders and improve a clubs service to the community. August 4-6 Kiwanis International Kansas District Convention, Salina, Kansas, USA March 31 Spring Holiday, Kiwanis International Office closed, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA The Kiwanis International Convention is a show dedicated to Increase the positive impact a club makes in the lives of children. Advertisements of a religious or political nature, ads that are discriminatory or that are disrespectful of a person or group of persons are prohibited. August 10-13 Kiwanis International California-Nevada-Hawaii District Convention, Reno, Nevada, USA . roster of speakers and entertainers who will reignite your fire to make a October 1 Kiwanis administrative year begins DECEMBER 2022 sure your voice is heard on the issues that could affect Kiwanis Governor Training Conference, Reporting Deadline of Club Officers to KI, 108th Annual Kiwanis International Convention,, Deadline for District Foundation Level I (up to $5,000) CSG grants, Submission Deadline for LaMissTenn District News (July 2023 issue), 105th Annual LaMissTenn Kiwanis District Convention, End of the 2022-2023 Administrative Kiwanis Year,, Encourage a fellow member who has gone over and beyond in their service, Congratulate your club or a member on their Kiwanis anniversary, Recognize your fantastic incoming or outgoing club leadership or Lieutenant Governor. . Below you can find the presentations that were given in the various workshops: Workshop Presentations and Handouts On January 2, CKI leadership took part in a once-in-a-lifetime experience: the 134th Rose Parade in Pasadena, California, U.S. CKI President Tyler Kearns and Vice President Liz Sevigny enjoyed representing the spirit of service on Kiwanis International's floral float, Catching the Wave of Service, which passed by for all to . JANUARY 2023 Key Leader We know that your stay with us, celebrating Kiwanis, will be a memorable one that will stay with you long after our Governor rings the closing ceremonies gong. FEBRUARY 2023 2022 InterPACK Hidden Valley Scout. July 3-6, 2024 . Kiwanis has a plan for service in your community and we invite you to join us. This page updated Feb. 09, 2022 . . DRAWING HELD Oct 8, 2022. Circle K International Convention: TBD: August 3-6, 2023: I-I District Convention: TBD: August 4-6, 2023: I-I Key Club Board Meeting . August 10-13 Kiwanis International Pennsylvania District Convention,Scranton, Pennsylvania, USA This years convention is sure to make an impression with the numerous activities and events we have planned. District Directory 2022-2023; 2022 Club Leadership Education Videos; Member Education & Training; KI-Notes; Convention. Registration is now open. All non-staff attendees attending the meetings shall sign a waiver of COVID-19 claims. 2022 CAPITAL DISTRICT KIWANIS MIDYEAR CONFERENCE AND CKI DISTRICT CONVENTION 7 10:00 am - Workshops Session IISee Workshop Grid on Page 42 10:50 am 11:00 am - CKI Workshop: Recruitment & RetentionFallen Timbers 11:50 am Madeleine Eichorn, International . Finalists will be honored, and winners announced, at the 2023 Kiwanis International Convention. Jen Robertson is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Learn ways to coach members of Service Leadership Programs. January 18, 2023. You can attend the convention with your Key Club district tour. Each club delinquent in the payment of International or District obligations shall not be considered in good standing, and therefore not permitted to vote until payment is made. 2023 Convention Resources; Marketing and PR; K-Family Partners. Kiwanis International Convention, Minneapolis June 24, 2023 12:00 am - 11:59 pm Distinguished Club Criteria 2022-2023; 2023 Signature Project Contest. 2023 ECC Convention; International Convention. Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to improving the world one child and one community at a time. Upcoming events 105th Annual LaMissTenn Kiwanis District Convention 04 Aug Monthly Club Report Due 10 Aug Monthly Governor/Lt. February 1 Kiwanis Children's Fund scholarship application deadline May 5 Kiwanis International France-Monaco District Convention, Gruissan, France September 15-16 - Kiwanis International Belgium-Luxembourg District Convention, Roeselare, West-Vlaanderen, Belgium OCTOBER 2023 October 12-16 - Kiwanis Youth Protection Week October 16-20 - CKI Week NOVEMBER 2023 November 1 - Kiwanis Children's Fund scholarship applications available online November 6-10 - Key Club Week August 18-21 Kiwanis International Colombia District Convention, Barranquilla, Colombia positive difference in your community. Become a better Kiwanis Enola, PA 17025 . Registration closed May 1, 2022 (NO onsite registrations) District Dinner . Delegates from clubs around the world will attend the meeting. Contact District Office; KT District Directory; Kiwanis Family Links; KY/TN District Partnerships; Past Lieutenant Governors Association (PLGA) Events (Conventions and Training) Convention; Kiwanis . 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