chickasaw county, ms plantations
enumeration of the transcribed slaveholders. soldiers burned the depot and Rose Gate College, which was being used by the Confederate government as a military hospital. Browse our gallery of the property or contact Mark Lewis, ALC at 662-418-4422. During the Great Depression, the Civilian Conservation Corps constructed the Natchez Trace Game Area in Chickasaw. If interested in purchasing one of these volumes, contact the Chickasaw Co Historical and Genealogical Society, P. O. As the political climate became more favorable to the white Southerner, those who had lost land for failure to pay taxes were now able to buy back all or part of what they had previously owned. According to local tradition, he camped near the present day In April 1861, Confederate guns opened fire on Ft. Sumpter, SC and the War Between the States began. . To avoid exposure, Klan leaders from Okolona would conduct their business in West Chickasaw Co and their Houston neighbors would cross the creek when called upon to return the favor in the eastern section of the county. The MS Senate passed a bill calling for a three percent sales tax and abolished ad Its county seats are Houston and Okolona. Freed slaves, if listed in the next census, in 1870, would have been reported I do not live in the area so I am dependent on all of you for more genealogical data. All rights reserved. As of the 2020 census, the population was 17,106. During this period, almost all industry was agriculturally related: gins, compresses, sawmills, handle factories, stave factories, oil mills and such. Chickasaw County Historical and Genealogical Society. "Okolona Male Academy" was founded in 1852 by William f. Tucker. The plight of the newly freed blacks was more serious than that of the county's white citizens. African American descendants of persons who were enslaved in Chickasaw County, Mississippi in 1860, if they have an idea The old Methodist Church bell 188.65 Acres : $509,355 Houlka Creek, 188.65 Ac Houston : Chickasaw County : MS Sartain's Heritage Properties 206 Acres : $484,735 The West Hobolochitto Creek Tract Carriere : Pearl in Houston to select a Council of Defense to promote the war effort. Blues musician Booker Bukka White was born in Houston in 1909. White rectangular banners trimmed with red bands were hung in windows throughout the county with a blue star representing each serviceman from that family. A cultural revolution was taking place across the entire nation. One was at the Augusta Council in 1763; the other at the Mobile Council in 1765 in Mobile. These two men were of one mind, casting their votes in favor of The average Senior Manager Business Growth and Development salary in Houlka, Mississippi is $145,830 as of December 27, 2022, but the salary range typically falls between $130,130 and $163,920. Candyland was a plantation in Chickasaw County, Mississippi owned by Calvin Candie, the main antagonist of Django Unchained. can be viewed to find out whether the ancestor was a holder of a fewer number of slaves or not a slaveholder at all. The second try at the railroad was made in conjunction with Grierson's Raid in April 1863. The local churches planned a community wide prayer service which was to commence when word was received that the troops had hit the beaches. The first white men to come to the area were Spaniards led by Hernando de Soto. The neighboring town of Vardaman in Calhoun Co. claims the title "Sweet Potato Capitol of the World", but the farmers of Chickasaw County's "Flatwoods" country found that the country was fit for growing a great deal more than timber and providing pastureland for An least twelve Spaniards were killed and large numbers of livestock and supplies were destroyed. Under the presidency of Andrew Jackson, the Indians were finally driven from Chickasaw Co. Jackson passed through the area on his return from the Battle of New Orleans in Feb 1813. In addition to the government assistance, private charity work was being done. TERMINOLOGY. In Feb 1864, the most damaging raid in the county took place. However, this last raid of the war in Chickasaw Co resulted in the loss of a large quantity of supplies. Houston : Chickasaw County : MS Sartain's Heritage Properties Located eight tenths of a mile north of Highway 8 on paved County Road 424, this 74.44 acres offers 30 acres of Rev. Presumably some men from Chickasaw Co served in the Spanish-American War in 1896, but no casualties are listed and no records of Chickasaw County's participation are available. was edited by D. C. Greenwood. Stay up to date with Chickasaw Country. The war years were particularly bitter ones for the people of Chickasaw Co. Chickasaw Co residents realized that in order to thrive, their agricultural methods must be modernized. As the one hundred and fiftieth year drew near, it ws noted that this five hundred and seven square miles of northeast MS has endured and often prospered through a variety of upheavals. Excluding slaves, the 1860 U.S. population was 27,167,529, with about 1 in 70 being a The county's first church was a Baptist church built in 1835 in the southwestern part of the county by the sense of the extent of slavery in the ancestral County, particularly for those who have never viewed a slave census. The hospital moved to a new and larger building in 1957 and soon afterward the old building was torn down. All officials that had been elected under the Johnson plan were removed and the county returned to military % of the total number of U.S. slaveholders, or 1 out of 7,000 free persons, held 20-30% of the total number of slaves in the The boundaries of five counties link with Chickasaw Co. Please do not use GIF. In 1943, this institution was sold to Dr. John D. Dyer and continued as a It is located ten miles north of Houston and dates its history from 1836 when the Harrell brothers, William and Warren, bought a large tract of land from its Indian owner. According to local tradition, he camped near the present day Those who have found a free ancestor on the 1860 Chickasaw County, Mississippi census can check this list to learn if their After 1930, money was tight and government at all levels sought solutions to the problem. State Senator R. H. Knox called for a moratorium on the sale of property for taxes and asked for an extension on tax payments without penalty. The county was served by several stage lines with rented hacks and carriages in the early days. This failed by eight votes. In 1859, the Mobile and Ohio Railroad came through the county passing through Okolona and Egypt. names of plantations in this County with the names of the large holders on this list should not be a difficult research task, but stock. 1836. Vestiges of the countys earliest documented culture, belonging to the Paleo-Indians known as the Hopewells, can be seen at the Bynum Mound and Village Site near Houston. As one of the few practical actions of the Reconstruction period, this move established Chickasaw Co as one of the few counties in the nation with two county In 1866, the year before the great immigration from Texas, one man raised on his Washita valley farm 100,000 bushels of corn. Later, during the Creek War, the Chickasaws refused to join with the other southeastern tribes. White land owners also successfully applied economic pressure by refusing to employ blacks who voted, or who voted Republican. These "general stores" sold a wide variety of goods including hats, boots, shoes, hardware, cutlery, saddles, piece goods, bonnets, jewelry and groceries. Webster/Chickasaw Co line and continued north through Chickasaw Co on the Natchez Trace. In 1840 Chickasaw was home to 2,148 free whites, 1 free African American, and 806 slaves. When Abraham Lincoln was elected president, the county became united in favor of secession. The countys industrial workforce also remained relatively small, with manufacturing firms employing just seventy-eight people. The "Chickasaw Banner" a Whig paper was published by D. H. Lindsay and F. L. Denison. After declaring allegiance to the Union, the group went on to support secession in the event that agitation against slavery continued and if the federal government denied the right of citizens south of the Mason-Dixon line to hold slaves. [2] The land on which the home stands was bought by Gordon from a Chickasaw woman, Molly Gunn, daughter of William Colbert and wife of James Gunn. The troops seized and burned the books on the spot. If an We are always in need of more information. But, as has been the case throughout the history of the world, these people of a conquered land set about putting their lives back together. It was taken over in 1933 by the Episcopal church and continued operation until 1965. The formal boundaries for the City of Houston encompass a land area of 7.38 sq. In 1856 when the newly formed Republican By the time Chickasaw Co was organized, the well traveled Indian Trails such as the Natchez Trace and Gaines Trace were in disrepair. Colonel Grierson and his Second Iowa Regiment camped overnight in Chickasaw Co at Dr. Benjamin Kilgore's plantation. Under the 1831 Treaty of Pontotoc, these lands became available for purchase from the Chickasaw Tribe and were quickly incorporated into the United States. In Nov 1915, Walter Chandler and J. L. Jogoe of Okolona; Barry Bays of Woodland; O. M. Harrell of Houlka and L. T. Fox and W. E. Scott of Houston met to study the possibility of securing a "federal expert demonstration agent" for the county. The Chickasaw Indians refused, set fire to the Spanish dwellings and attacked the soldiers as they fled the flames. County showed such a significant increase. His forces were also defeated, though they were superior in arms and numbers to the Chickasaw braves. who lived through World War II are unable to remember where he or she was or what they were doing when word came on Sunday, Dec 7, 1941 that the Japanese had attacked Pearl Harbor. This procession was led by the "bone barriers" who carried the remains of their ancestors so that they could be buried in their new homeland. It should be noted however, that in comparing census data for A very large percentage of the white population were slave The countys population struggled during the postbellum era. for consideration by those seeking to make connections between slaveholders and former slaves. The Chickasaw Indians became known as one of the Five Civilized Tribes. Quest's CD "African-Americans in the 1870 U.S. Federal Census", available through Heritage Quest at All of these newspapers were strong Democrat party supporters. These schools offered a wide variety of subjects including the sciences, philosophy, Greek and Latin. States that saw more significant increases in colored population during that time, and were therefore more Community Christmas trees were sponsored in these two towns throughout the 1930s. Box 42, Houston, MS 38851. He was seriously wounded twice, but lived through the war and returned to serve his native state in the Legislature. The Hopewell people were fascinated with death and attached great importance to the manner of burial. party came on strongly with an anti-slavery plank, state Democrats forgot their differences. In June 1950, the United States was once again sending its young men to war. In 1915, the United States Congress passed the 19th Amendment, giving women the right to vote. used to describe the main subdivisions of the State by which the census was enumerated. Because of the massive mobilization of manpower, there was hardly a home in Chickasaw Co that did not have some family member serving in the military. His army was defeated and D'Artagnette was burned at the stake. A young Scotsman who was trying to start a school for former slaves at Sparta was one of the casualties of the time. Southern Democrats were split by the Compromise of 1850 and those in favor of the Compromise joining with the Whigs to form the Union Party. During the 1840s, the rich prairie lands had been settled and improved and the plantation system was well established. The 1860 U.S. Census was the last U.S. census showing slaves and slaveholders. Browser, which is a very detailed, searchable and highly recommended database that can found at FORMER SLAVES. Nestled in the hills of Chickasaw County, MS, these 188.65 acres located in Sections 7 and 8, T13S, R3E, offer both timber and recreational investment opportunities. The term "County" is used to describe Simon Myers and James Simonton also had an early mercantile firm. Pontotoc soon afterward. supreme sacrifice. In 1853, the Democrats split in earnest at their state convention. The 1860 U.S. Census Slave Schedules for Chickasaw County, Mississippi (NARA microfilm series M653, The line was extended to Calhoun City and operated into the In 1845, the town of Okolona was established, located in the northeastern part of the county. Chickasaw County experienced considerable growth during the first few decades of the twentieth century. Its fertile valleys have for years yielded astonishing crops. One of the first roads constructed in the new county was between Houston and Hopewell; Hopewell now being an extinct town located in The freed blacks were also handicapped by their lack of skills and the knowledge to get on his feet. Soldiers intercepted a wagon loaded with the county record books at a point on the Starkville Road, a short distance from the Houston Cemetery. The average slave owner owned eight slaves; but the larger slave holders owned between thirty and one hundred slaves. James Martin. was Henry R. Carter. You are the visitor to this page. It was then suggested that Patriot" and in 1854, the paper's name was changed again to " The Southern Argus" by its new owner, Jehu A. Orr. President Johnson appointed William Sharkey, a former supreme court justice, as governor of MS. Sharkey was well respected in the state and his appointment was well received by the citizens of Chickasaw Co. Gov. Bonds floated to repay county indebtedness did not find buyers. the Viet Nam War was nine. The following information is based on excerpts from the "History of Chickasaw Co, Vol I" published by the Chickasaw Co Historical and Genealogical Society, Copyright 1985. A county welfare program His most significant contribution as a legislator was his service on the committee responsible for the recall of the hated Reconstruction governor, Adelbert Ames. The term "County" is PLANTATION NAMES. The first of these private schools was established in Houston around 1842 by Aaron Turman. The war lasted only three years, but twenty-one of Chickasaw County's men gave their lives in this conflict. Following the construction of the Mobile and Ohio Railroad through Chickasaw in 1859, the countys main sphere of commercial activity shifted from Houston to Okolona. to town to try their hand at occupations other than farming. There were six lawyers and six doctors in the town. Sharkey ordered a constitutional convention Shortly after the turn of the century, both Houston and Okolona had telephone systems. It was their purpose to punish the South. Other train crops and various legumes were also grown. The Chamber of Commerce in Okolona and the American Legion in Houston declared that no child in the county would miss "Santa Claus". Civil defense was taken seriously, first aid classes were conducted throughout the county and black-outs were practiced in various communities. The county is named for the Chickasaw people, who lived in this area for hundreds of years. In Okolona, Rose Gate College continued through the war years and the Male Academy conducted school until the actual fighting began in the area. The first attempt in Dec 1862 was largely unopposed. Later a road was built from Houston to Starkville and the Houston/Hopewell Road was extended to Grenada. Nestled in the hills of Chickasaw County, MS, these 188.65 acres located in Sections 7 and 8, T13S, R3E, offer both timber and recreational investment opportunities. Although no comparison can be made between the young people of Chickasaw Co and those of the urban areas of the northeast and west coast, repercussions were felt here. The MS Exposition scheduled to celebrate the state's ancestor was one of the larger slaveholders in the County. The Great Depression had been building since the crash of the stock market in 1929 and now deepened. The Board of Supervisors cut taxes; but people were still unable to pay their taxes and lists of property being sold to pay the taxes filled the newspapers. A co-educational academy was established about 1850 by Dr. Hugh Quinn at Palo Alto. SURNAME MATCHES AMONG AFRICAN AMERICANS ON 1870 CENSUS: (exact surname spellings only are reported, no spelling variations or soundex), (SURNAME, # in US, in State, in County, born in State, born and living in State, born in State and living in County). LARGEST SLAVEHOLDERS FROM 1860 SLAVE CENSUS SCHEDULES, SURNAME MATCHES FOR AFRICAN AMERICANS ON 1870 CENSUS. If the surname is found, they can then view the [4] Robert Gordon had immigrated to Cotton Gin Port, Mississippi, from Scotland. In addition to several attempts by federal troops to destroy the stretch of the Mobile and Ohio Railroad running through the county, a number of battles and raids took place in Chickasaw. At this meeting they ordered an election for the purpose of choosing a Board of Police which would serve in the capacity similar to present day's Board of Supervisors. The local newspaper, "The Prairie News", was forced to cease publication during the War Between the States, but resumed publication soon after the war. With the coming of the Gulf, Mobile and Northern Railroad in 1905, the town moved from its original site approximately a mile to the west. In time, the Hopewells disappeared from the area and were in all probability absorbed by the later groups of people who moved into the area. Slaves then constituted 55 percent of the population, and Chickasaw County planters and farmers pursued mixed agriculture, concentrating on corn and livestock as well as the cash crop of cotton. Around this time, a high moral tone was characteristic of the county history. Slaves 100 years of age or older were supposed to be named on the 1860 slave schedule, but there were only 1,570 slaves of court house are all that remain. Because of the poor quality and short terms of the public schools; most of the youth who had a desire to attend a college or university found it almost a necessity to attend a private school or academy. Delegates from the northern counties that were created from the Chickasaw lands demanded that the Congressional candidate be chosen from their section. Other train crops and various legumes were also grown. The Union forces were destroying vast stores of grain which had been stored along the railroad as they went. presuming an African American was a slave on the 1860 census, the free census for 1860 should be checked, as almost 11% Quantity of supplies across the entire nation is named for the City of Houston encompass a land area of sq! Which the census was enumerated the MS Senate passed a bill calling a... 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