readworks move your muscles answer key
What evidence from the story supports this statement? These breaks are supported by the rhyme scheme, the placement of periods, and the introduction of different ideas. Explain how the issue of slavery and the abolitionism movement helped to start the American Civil War. Ans: Answers may vary and should be supported by the story. So, high school was probably far from easy because neither the governor of the state nor the community wanted the students at the school. 4. Choose the answer that best completes the sentence below. Ans: BQ8. Ans: AQ4. What did Washington do first? Ans: BQ3. They may also infer that Bradford meant the Saints community was a symbol of light and purity for the world, and that he was suggesting the possibility of future migrants joining the Saints in America in search of a purer, freer religion. What did you learn from the text Lost and Found?? Ans: If you have lost an item, the first step is to contact the place where you think you lost it. Read these sentences from the text. Ans: CQ7. Who were the three people interviewed in the text? Ans: Answers may vary slightly, but students should name all three people in some way. This gives a clearer picture of the uterus, ovaries, and other pelvic organs.Transvaginal Ultrasound (Endovaginal Ultrasound).A pelvic ultrasound is a scan that looks at the organs and structures in your pelvic area.Ultrasound uses a device called a transducer to send out sound waves that are too high to be tb-500 nasal spray TB 500 Dosage For Excellent Results. Ans: BQ2. They dance with her at night, and he fills up her tub while showing the guests out the door.Q10. What did DeAndre Arnolds school threaten to do if he didnt cut his hair? Ans: BQ2. pdf, 2.02 MB pdf, 361.57 KB A reading comprehension activity about the Ancient Olympics that were held in Ancient Greece. The title of this text is Groundhog Day. Based on the information in the text, what is Groundhog Day? Ans: BQ5. What did the 2009 collision of a United States satellite and a Russian satellite cause? Ans: This collision caused the satellites to break into more than 2,000 pieces.Q9. They thought and told her that women could not handle the rigors of medical school and being a doctor. Ans: CQ8. Ans: DQ7. What can you conclude based on this evidence? Choose the answer that best completes this sentence. Ans: AQ8. The space mission with robots would collect pieces of space trash and bring them back to Earth so that they can be safely destroyed. Draw a picture of Jane Goodall studying chimpanzees Ans: Refer to Google images here, Q1. What happens every year on February 2nd across America? Ans: BQ2. Ans: Smaller, cheaper transistors could change the way medicine works because smaller transistors could be eaten in a pill or injected, and then could repair damaged cells from the inside of our bodies. Every drop of blood contains millions of cellsred blood cells, which carry oxygen to your tissues; platelets, which are cell fragments that control clotting; . Public schools, drinking fountains, and public restrooms were segregated.Q9. Copper Fit Unisex Adult Fingerless Rapid Relief Adjustable Wrist Wrap How Does Your Brain Control Your Body? If given the choice between eating a whole apple and drinking a glass of apple juice, which would be healthier? Ans: BQ5. What is the main idea of this text? Ans: AQ6. That way, she would want to watch baseball games just as intently as Sam, so if they do indeed attend more games together, he would not have to divide his attention between her and the events of the game. He (and others at the school) probably felt respect for her.Q10. - Mystery Science. Jeremy wants to be a scientist when he gets older. According to scientists, what animal is likely to be the source of the next pandemic in people? Ans:Q2. Read these sentences from the text. They may respond that the Louisiana economy, heavily reliant on wetlands, would take a hit. What is this passage mainly about? Ans: BQ6. Ans: DQ7. This paragraph describes veterans as the brave men and women who serve and protect the U.S. According to the paragraph, who are these brave men and women? What does the word fatigued probably mean here? Ans: BQ7. Nervous tissues help parts of our body transmit messages--or 'think' and . What is this text mostly about? Ans: CQ6. The passage states, Enslaved people were considered property. Based on this information, what conclusion can you make about how enslaved people were treated? Q1. Identify two important events in the history of the woman suffrage movement prior to the passing of the 19th Amendment. Ans:Q3. Ans: CQ2. Read these sentences from the text. Researchers are searching the farm where the hoard was found __ they want to be sure all the treasure has been collected.. Ans: CQ8. Choose the answer that best completes the sentence below. For your convenience, we have arranged ReadWorks answers in a much easier way so that you can save time. Students may also explain that most of the Earths freshwater is frozen in glaciers and ice caps and not accessible to humans. How does Kyles mom feel about her work? Ans: She is very passionate about it.Q3. How did most people at Elizabeths medical school feel toward her by the time she graduated? Ans: Answers may vary but should resemble the following. Evaluate the effectiveness of Tecumsehs political leadership Ans: Answers may vary but should be supported by the text. Students may also note that this is a negative thing because groups may be more inclined to attack other groups that do not have the same norms or values, which may or may not be right.Conversely, students may argue that a group fighting a common enemy is a positive thing because the members of a group are united behind one goal or cause and show their dedication to the groups norms or values. As used in the text, what does the word affluent mean? As you work your skeletal muscles, however, the amount of IL-6 in the blood shoots up dramatically. What is the main idea of this article? . Read these sentences from the text: Based on this evidence, why might many students, teachers, and townspeople have opposed Elizabeth? Ans: DQ5. What Pain Means Taking good care of your muscles can help prevent you from sitting on the sidelines. Is this a good idea or not? Based on the passage, what can be concluded about the ability of humans to see X-rays and gamma rays? Ans: AQ5. Read this paragraph from the article. How have we made progress in using wind power since the first windmills? - Mystery Science, Crystals Powers The Weird Ones 1 Answer Key. What do Letitia and Raya do when their mom gives them each dessert? Below you can find answers for Grade 1 topics: Q1. Read these lines from the poem: Based on the text, the word compromise means Ans: BQ5. For students, all work will be saved as expected. Choose the answer that best completes the sentence. Ans: DQ8. This fossil gives scientists more evidence that dinosaurs were the ancient ancestors of modern birds. [paragraph 1]Q8. Ans: A, Q1. What was a job that no woman in America had in the early 1800s?Ans: CQ2. Explain why or why not, using evidence from the passage Ans: Answers may vary, as long as they are supported by the passage. What is this text mostly about? Ans: AQ6. Ans: They connect by teaching each other about the music that they both like, and taking time to listen and learn about new music forms and how they build on each other. Some teens choose not to participate in a trial _ theyre already exhausted from treatment after treatment and dont want to go through more.. Ans: BQ8. Ans: Answers may vary. How do Betts actions show that one person can make a big impact? Ans: CQ5. According to Paul McLean, what is the most important drive an artist can have? Ans: According to Paul McLean, the most important drive an artist can have is an unbreakable resolve to make art.Q10. Read these sentences from the text. Q1. Which of these rhyming lines appear right next to each other in the poem? Ans: DQ3. What is the definition of a natural event? Ans: A natural event is a change in nature.Q9. Explain why this may be a negative aspect of group behavior by using information from the passage. Ans: The thing which the one member believes, and as a result, the entire group believes, maybe not be true or favorable. Students should indicate that slavery was a contentious issue between the North and the South: the North was morally opposed to slavery by the 1850s and did not want to allow pro-slavery states to join the Union, while the South relied on slavery for their economic power. What did the seven continents use to be a part of? Ans: The seven continents used to be a part of one huge chunk of land.Q6. What is the passage trying to persuade readers to do? Ans: BQ3. Where does the beginning of the story take place? Use information from the text to support your answer. Ans: Answers may vary and should be supported by the text. Move Your Muscles! It shows us that we can achieve amazing things when we work together. If you lost it at a store, speak to an employee or manager there.Q7. What is one of its causes? Ans: BQ3. ReadWorks Answers Key - All Grades Unlocked As mentioned, you are free to see the quiz answers that we revealed below. How does Ginas grandmother describe the one-year birthday celebration in Korean culture? Ans: DQ3. What have the Germans done to help clean up space junk? Ans: The Germans have been planning a space mission with robots that would collect pieces of space trash and bring them back to Earth so that they can be safely destroyed.Q10. The typical human reaction time is about second. Where is it? Why might eating chicken breast be a good choice after a workout? Describe the dangers to a womans health that were associated with foot binding Ans: Health dangers included: gangrene, ulcerations, infections from ingrown toenails or lack of circulation, loss of toes, and possibly death.Q9. Magnetic fields by themselves are invisible to the human eye. How does the author describe the treasure that Terry Herbert found? Ans: CQ3. Read these sentences about percussion instruments:Boom! Based on the text, what can you conclude about Louis Armstrongs talents? Ans: AQ5. He learns that he too could be a scientist one day and he could make exciting discoveries about the planets and universe. What does the text describe? Ans: AQ3. Your order will be delivered by a local delivery person within 1-5 business days if you live within the Las Vegas or Henderson areas.Try The CBD Vape Pen Try The CBD's 300 mg vape pen offers an affordable and no-frills option for those who want reliable hemp CBD oil. What effects did the Voting Rights Act have? Ans: The Voting Rights Act greatly reduced the disparity between black and white voters in the U.S. and allowed a greater number of African Americans to enter political life at the local, state and national level.Q9. Based on the article as a whole, what is a myth? Ans: BQ5. What does the text describe? Readworks answer key abraham cd will put up to you overcome various difficulties you could experience in taking the first actions to begin the journey towards triumph in your own fixed career direction. In China, having bound feet was a marker of wealth and status. Tenskwatawa was a religious leader. Which sentence from the text best states the articles main idea? Ans: BQ6. Imagine you were building a robot that could perform surgery on its own. The ISS represents hope because it is such a large-scale endeavor. What is this passage mostly about? Ans The article is mainly about space junk and how it is flying around Earth.Q5. Draw a picture of Veronica and her pet Ans: Refer to Google images here, Q1. What can cause weathering and erosion? Ans: BQ3. Ans: CQ4. What is this passage mostly about? Ans: AQ6. As an example, students may argue that oil spills near the reef can cause the ecosystems there to be thrown off balance. What did the United States flag look like right before the last two states joined the country? Ans: CQ5. As explained in the passage, what problem does this solution address? Ans: AQ3. Let s get down to the bare bones: You need your skeleton. D If you don't weaken and shrink your muscles, you will lose them and not be able to find them. How did many students and teachers at Elizabeths medical school feel about her being there in the beginning? Ans: Answers may vary but should resemble the following. What is a theme of this story? Ans: AQ6. Ans: Answers may vary and should be supported by the text. Ans: Answers could include: students have filed legal complaints against their schools by partnering with legal organizations, or students have withdrawn from their schools out of protest.Q10. What evidence in the text supports this statement? These are your In the passage, Paul McLean says that it doesnt appear that an artist conforms to any patterning or template, in a one-size-fits-all or machine sort of construct. How does the authors interview with the two artists support this conclusion? Describe at least one factor which has impacted the evolution of American education. Why do kinkajous have the scientific name Potos flavus, which means golden drinker? Ans: CQ5. A Museum Of Their Own Readworks Answer Key Pdf . For example, students may explain that Billy ends up having a magical and unexpected adventure after climbing a magical tree house that led to an underground world of gnomes. 1207 kb/s. Use evidence from the text to support your answer Ans: Answers may vary, but students are likely to conclude that Abraham feels happy and content. Read the following paragraph, written from Abrahams point of view. Why would the author include recipes in the text? Percussion instruments can add a lot of energy and excitement to music, and they can also be very versatile, providing a wide range of sounds and textures that other instruments might not be able to produce.Q8. Create your website today. They both get upset and say they want _ Ans: the other oneQ6. He simply smiles. 4750. Use evidence from the text to support your answer Ans: Students should explain that the earth is like a huge magnet. PDF Your Amazing Brain - Have Fun Teaching Use evidence from the story to support your answer. Read the sentences and answer the question. Which of the following navigational instruments was not available to Christopher Columbus? Ans: AQ3. answer choices The person who stole Devon's identity bought things while pretending to be him. What trick do Raya and Letitia play on their parents? Ans: BQ4. Ans: James Madison was an important person in the history of the United States of America because he was hailed as the Father of the Constitution for his pivotal role in drafting and promoting the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights.Q8. They could repair bigger things too, like bridges, airplane engines, and electrical equipment. This would allow us to gain more knowledge about our world which would enable us to better understand the world. How does the author describe the meteor strike at Chelyabinsk? Ans: CQ3. What is the text mostly about? Ans: BQ6. Soon Abraham had a mate and baby elephants of his own. What evidence from the passage supports this statement? Ans: DQ4. What is the problem text describes? Read the following sentences. Veterans Day has undergone several changes since it originated in 1919. For example, students may reason that explorers knowledge about the worlds geography increased as navigational tools became more accurate. She talks about how she was never able to prove that Maxwell was in on the scandal, which indicates that she spent time stewing about the loss of her job. Ans: BQ3. A sheet of ice on a mountain can cause weathering and erosion _ it moves down the mountain. Ans: AQ8. Use evidence from the text to explain your reasons for dividing the poem in the manner you choose. Q1. What is this story mostly about? Ans: CQ6. Choose the answer that best completes the sentence below.. Ans: BQ8. It does not seem like the narrator has let go of her bitterness. Explain whether being a stay-at-home parent is a difficult job for Matt. top of page. How can the twins confuse people? Ans: AQ3. Hence there is an improvement in classroom level of learning. What is the main idea of this text? Ans: C, Q1. Q1. The author may have chosen to include all three interviews in order to provide three different views of the same war. Q. Refueling during a short workout is not necessary; __, refueling during a long game can be important Ans: DQ8. What is tempo? Ans: CQ2. They can digest and sort huge amounts of data, but need human input to do so. So, please do share as well if it helps you. Q1. So, it is blended with other metals to hold up to the daily wear-and-tear experienced by jewelry.Q10. What two elements of education have evolved since colonial times? Ans: Curricula and teaching methods have evolved since colonial times.Q2. Why is doing Quality Assurance the perfect job for the main character of this story? Ans: CQ5. What main problem did the Saints face in England and Holland? Ans: CQ3. On the other hand, students may argue that Joseph is not a good brother or could be a better brother, because he runs away from home without saying goodbye to Philipeven though Philip asked him to say goodbye last year. . Ans: DQ7. Support your answer with evidence from the text. Projector Project or use your smartboard for classroom instruction. Why do kinkajous need excellent balance? Ans: Kinkajous need excellent balance in order to stay safe as they look for food in trees.Q9. However, they may also note that he feels like he is on a stopwatch and cant fully pay attention to his guests. Q1. With whom does Sam go to baseball games? Ans: DQ2. All three interviews in the text are about life as a child during World War II. Read this paragraph from the article. According to neo-Confucianism, bound feet were the ultimate symbol of purity and discipline. Trash has become a problem in outer space too. Would you rather have it rely on a basic algorithm with a human supervisor, or on a program that uses machine learning? Use information from the passage to support your argument Ans: Answers may vary and should be supported by the passage. What did you learn from Percussion Instruments? Ans: Percussion instruments can also be a great way for musicians to express themselves. Why were Chickees good for the hot and rainy weather in Florida? In nature, they look for their preferred foods (honey and nectar) in rainforest trees. Why does the author suggest that Los Angeles residents experience with years of road closures will pave the way for more support for public transportation expansion and legislation? 7. What can be inferred from the text? Ans: AQ5. If the oil kills one species of fish, that may in turn harm another species dependent on it for food or protection. The primary purpose of this poem is to describe. Ans: BQ6. __, Matt spent several years as a full-time photographer.. Ans: BQ8. Read the paragraph that begins the Veterans Stats section of the article. Read these sentences from the text: Based on these sentences, what does the word rigorous mean? Ans: AQ7. Move Your Muscles! Students may argue that Joseph is a good brother because he is there for Philip when he overhears his dad say that he is bad at baseball and he comforts him when he breaks his arm. A woman with bound feet had much better marriage prospects than a woman with natural feet: bound feet increased a womans chances of marrying into money and increasing her familys status and reputation.Q10. Explain why some methods may be more effective than others. 5 Key Moves To Make, Why Answering "I Don't Know" More Often Might Be Your Key To Success |, Answer These Key Questions To Improve Your Virtual Meeting |, Three Key Points Start-ups Should Consider To Move Forward, To Move The Needle For Your Company, Find Your Key Number | What can you conclude from these sentences? You can feel the biceps, a muscle in your upper arm change as it bunches up and gets harder. Ans: BQ2. The text says, The host tree now must compete with the strangler fig for sunlight and nutrients in the soil. What is one way that students who have been discriminated against are standing up for their rights? Which is one of the seven continents? Ans: AQ4. Ans: DQ4. Additionally, the act forbade the use of federal funds for any discriminatory program, authorized the Office of Education to assist with school desegregation, gave extra clout to the Commission on Civil Rights, and prohibited the unequal application of voting requirements.Q10. Read this sentence from the text. SARMs TO LOSE FAT AND GAIN MUSCLE MASS; HGH Fragment 176-191 Weight Loss Results; Gut Inflammation Capsules-BPC-157 Arginate, KPV, PEA, Tributyrin;; Use Ocean Nasal Spray (sodium chloride nasal) as ordered by your doctor.Read all information given to you. Based on information in the passage, what is a symbiotic and mutualistic relationship? Ans: DQ5. __, the Northern states viewed slavery as morally wrong. The companys aim is to ensure that every other child in the United States is able to read well with the help of deep comprehension. Chickees were good because they kept the Seminole Ans: Cool & dryQ6. What can you infer from this paragraph about the strength of wind and how fast it wears down rocks? Ans: AQ5. Although Liberian quilts are similar in some ways to American traditional quilts, there are differences between the two. Name two tips given in the passage for dealing with peer pressure. Ans: Answers may vary, as long as they come from the passage. Explain whether a group fighting a common enemy is a positive or negative thing. [stanza 2]Q7. Support your answer using information from the passage. Explain why the Southern states saw abolitionism as a threat to their way of life. Ans: The Southern states saw abolitionism as a threat to their way of life because abolitionism called for the legal end to slavery in the United States. Magnets are objects that produce an area of magnetic force called a magnetic field. In the past, what did farmers use windmills to do? Ans: They used windmills to pump water & make flour.Q9. What is the main idea of this text? Ans: CQ6. Ans: When Professor Helfand suggests his joining his team Jeremy responds, I cant wait. When Professor Helfand mentions all the work its going to take to identify all the suns in the universe Jeremy responds, how exciting.Q9. Ans: Answers may vary but should be supported by the text. Read the following sentences from the text. As used in this sentence, what does the word habitable mean? Ans: BQ7. The question below is an incomplete sentence. Students may indicate that the ISS represents hope for people around the world because it is an example of different nations working together towards a common goal, despite cultural differences or disagreements. processing that information, and controlling the muscles Due to the P.A.C.T. For example, students may communicate that peoples sense of job security impacted their view of immigration. Choose the answer that best completes the sentence below. We call skeletal muscles voluntary muscles because you can volunteer to move them whenever you want to engage (activate) them. What is the main idea of this passage? Ans: BQ6. Students may write that it would be a bad idea to remove all strangler fig trees from a rainforest because strangler figs provide shelter and food for animals. There are many types of tissues. Even so, the quality of his leadership attracted the attention of friends and foes.. Use evidence from the text to support your answer. Ans: Answers may vary but should be supported by the text. As used in these sentences, what does the word immune mean? What evidence from the passage best supports this statement? Ans: DQ4. Based on this evidence, what conclusion can be made? Ans: CQ4. Q1. Based on the text, why should people think before they type online? The ensuing tension between the Union and Confederacy led to a physical clash between the two sides, culminating in the start of the Civil War. What does the author list at the end of the text? Ans: CQ3. What did you learn from Twin Tricks? Ans: This passage is all about two alike twin sisters who have the same brown eyes, the same dark hair & the same size as well, and who loves to trick others even their parents.Q7. Peer pressure can be a good thing. What evidence supports this conclusion? Ans: Girls started to receive greater educational access in the nineteenth century because the idea of republican motherhood became more popular.Q4. Changes since it originated in 1919, drinking fountains, and controlling the Due. Or on a basic algorithm with a human supervisor, or on a stopwatch and cant fully attention! Supports this statement be a great way for musicians to express themselves employee! 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