mystery case files: madame fate walkthrough
Our Mystery Case Files: Madame Fate Walkthrough will be your personal guide as you attempt to solve this mysterious case. Can you stop fate before it's too late? Place the clock hand on 8 (I). Solution (F). Create a dove by pressing the left wing, right wing, tail, and head (I). Free iPhone Games for New iOS Games Tonight: Verticus, Real Boxing and more! Use the SILVER DAGGER on the cursed book (F). Put TOKEN 1 in the slot (purple); touch B and C. Put TOKEN 2 in the slot (purple); touch Bx2 and C. Put TOKEN 3 in the slot (purple); touch Bx2 and C. Take the CLOWN TOY (D). Press the red buttons to arrange both pipes as shown (purple). Use the WEAK HAMMER on the device (A); take the ACID (B). Use the LIGHTER on the candles; take the LIT LANTERN (O). Place the gears in the right spots so they all spin. Select the heads and hands of the clowns in this order: Tx2, Rx4, U, Sx2, and U. Once you click on that tab, look on the bottom left corner and click on the mystery items tab. Push the wagon and go forward to Fabiano's Stage (S). Place the RIVETS 1, 2, and 3 in the slots to activate a puzzle. Tabitha: Poster in the background middle left. Place the arrow facing right on the 2nd row, 6th square. Art the Carny: the text You Gotta on the sign bottom right. Turn each timer twice (orange) and then touch the small blue circle (H) to make it go to the end of the route. Touch the birds; take the CARROT and the LEVER (Q). The most anticipated game of the year is finally here and it is up to you to save the life of Madame Fate before the stroke of midnight. If you dont guess before all the rings go dark, you will have to start over again with a new set of clues. Franco: Moon/Pidgeon near the top right on the roof. Step 12 is the solved puzzle. Release: November 7, 2007 Also Known As: Mystery Case Files: Madame Fate HD (US) Franchises: Mystery Case Files Games You May Like Mystery Case Files: Prime Suspects The. Left twice and up (2). Hidden Object. When you click on the black telephone in order to opt out of a puzzle you will be penalized for doing so. Use the BOTTLE OF WINE on the glass (F); take the FISH SKELETON 2 (G). In order to move the pieces around, you have to move the circles around until the colored ball falls into the correct wheel. You can only play the hat game 3 times and after youve done it successfully, a sign will appear that will tell you it is closed for 20 minutes. Mystery Case Files: Madame Fate is an adventure-puzzle casual game developed by Big Fish Studios, and distributed by Big Fish Games. Place the clock hand on 11 (B). 1. Once you get a letter to balance, use the letter on the right side of the pole on the bottom green slot. Rearrange the slides, then press the button beneath the TV. You can also opt out of this game if its too hard and return to it later and get a new sets of words.). Take the CODE REEL 1 (O). We used 4 plus 9 (L). Each highlighted letter you see at the beginning of a sentence, is the letter that you will get once you perform the actions that follow. Dante The horns on his head change color. Congratulations, you have completed Mystery Case Files; Fate's Carnival. Set the clock hand on 3 (Y). Rearrange the slides, then press the button beneath the TV. The goal of this puzzle is to align all the spheres so that they form complete matching circles, throughout the board. In order to make it easier for you to understand , we have provided a graphical walkthrough for this puzzle. Rotate the 3 mice (orange); place the key (purple) in the lock. Use the RUSTY KEY in the lock; turn the key and take the MOON CRYSTAL (T). Open the book (M). Goodwell The 2 letter Os keep changing on the GOODWELL sign that is on the top left side of the screen. Set the switch on number 1 (A). Select the valve (8), then turn the left reel (9) until the anchor appears (10). Take the Black Diary Page for a clue (S). Carousel There is a bone that turns into a spoon. Place the anchor on the left chain (green). Your goal is to transfer the pieces from the left onto the right while matching colors and forming complete color triangles. Use the PRUNING SHEARS on the vines to activate a puzzle (G). Go to Outside Carnival. Complete three puzzles by flipping and swapping the tiles. Arrange the pieces from largest to smallest: elephant, horse, fox, and rabbit (P1). Breakfast items: cereal, sausage, pancakes, doughnut, omelette and cheese. Use the MAGNET on the screw; take the SCREW (N). Gypsy Wagon There is a skull that changes into a gnome inside the barrel that is on the lower left side. Bianca the Daredevil: Clown at the back of the scene, on the left near the white rocket. You have to duplicate 4 pictures correctly in order to advance to the next stage. There are also 2 sets of words( DUOS and SINS) on the shoulders of the body outlines on each side of the screen. Change the needle on the power meter as shown (S). For example the clue says hole in one you have to grab the bullet first and then place it in the gun for it to be checked off your list. Talk to the Clown to receive the POSTMAN BADGE. Mystery Case Files: Madame Fate Walkthrough Gameplay Commentary Playlist: Place the LIGHTNING CHARM on the bracelet; take the PAPER PIECE (W). Place the paws over the right animals (4). Click here for a video. This game has a small role in the Ravenhearst Saga, detailing the escape of Charles Dalimar and his love for Rose Somerset leading into Return to Ravenhearst . Move the lens (J) out of the way and then put it back once the right number is on the wheel in the spot where the lens was originally set. Dante: The horns on his head changes shapes. Flip the knobs as shown to turn on the fan (F). There are different ways of placing the pegs correctly, just watch the movement of the ball and try to place additional pegs in a manner that will block the ball from going away from your target. Click on them to store them in inventory. Click the little green buttons until all the letter E ends up in the last slot. Put the EYE in the socket (K); take the BOOK PART 2 and CYLINDER 2 (L). Lance There is a button on the top left corner that changes from saying cool to real. Use the THEATER KEY in the lock (B); turn the key. Madame Fate, a mysterious fortune teller, has foreseen her own demise at midnight this very day. Balance the R on the left and the B on the right and place the B on the 3rd slot. Place the HANDLE on the box (T); take the MONOGRAM (U). Kitty Carnival Bottom right side, a hammer that changes into a wrench. Dances: Lambada, Fandango, Jitterbug, Merengue, Tango and Salsa. The Photo Shack Left side of the screen inside the barrel, there is a rubber ducky that changes into a man. Set the switch on number 2 (A). Place the charged battery here (E). The Big Fish Guarantee: Quality tested and virus free. Use the map to fast travel to a location. Touch the bird (5) and place the tube (6) here (7). Zoom into the chest (C1); place the correct number of gems in each of the skulls (C2). Take Isis. Left twice and down twice (5). Back to top. Entrance - ticket booth: Lock and key in the middle of the screen. In this final puzzle you are given two sets of squares, the one on the left is empty and the one on the right is full. Angels Wings + Horse = Pegasus (flying horse) You may not always need the time bonus but there will be other times when it will come in very handy, especially when you are trying to solve some of the final puzzles. If you have any doubts about whether youre doing things correctly, just look at the bottles. Colors: orange, purple, yellow, brown, silver and violet. Entrance (Hotspot location: ticket booth) There is a lock in the middle that keeps changing into a key. The goal here is to form six- 3 letter words on the puzzle grid (3 vertical and 3 horizontal). Use the DIVING SUIT in the water; take the BOLT CUTTERS (M). Franco The bird on the top right corner is changing colors. Select the left reel (9) until the shark (11) appears. Complete all six diagrams. Follow steps 1-12 to solve the puzzle. Solution: Rotate the green wire in place and press (I). Use the INSECTICIDE on the scorpion; take the CANDLE 1 (B). Press the third stop button (yellow) and pull the lever (blue) once. Zoom into the mailbox; place the POSTMAN BADGE in the slot to activate a HOP (not pictured). She has asked for your help in investigating each quirky carnival worker to determine their whereabouts when the clock strikes twelve. Return to the Outside the Snack Bar. Put down the GOLD PAINT and SILVER PAINT. Place the DOVE'S RIGHT WING, DOVE'S LEFT WING and the IRON HORSE to activate a puzzle. Pie Eating Contest - Oven: Bottom middle of the screen, a block changes from a D to an N. It is the fourth installment in the Mystery Case Files series. Once you understand how the colors move, start lining up the same color above and directly below it in order to make it glow. Terrorist Zombies, Helmet Hero: Head Trauma and more! Entrance This is the Entrance location that appears after you start in the sword swallower chapter. For example, in Art the Carny you will be asked to find several Bs, this includes the letter B and a bumble bee. Take the CLAY 2, CHISEL HANDLE, and Black Diary Page for a clown puzzle (Q). Place the MUTOSCOPE REEL in the device (S); take the SCREWDRIVER (T). Note: make sure you change the eye color. Open the Black Diary. Remove the cork with the CORKSCREW and take the BOTTLE OF WINE (B). H2 + O = Water Next you have 2 rows of cards on each side of the screen, when you click on them their positions will move. 4. Its cute, but the key is timing. Place the clock hand on 5 (F). Jazz: cello, saxophone, black hat, man in a suit and drums (N). Once you locate them, you have to rotate the pictures in the left row so that theyre positioned in the same way as the same one in the main picture. Take the RAVEN FEATHER 5/6 and TRYAD 3 (V). If you catch the wrong item, that person will spit it back out. Set the clock hand on 2 (V). Click here for a video. Another example says: a perfect shell, you have to find 2 broken pieces of a seashell and click them unto each other. It is located on the left side of the screen, by the window of the ticket booth. Place the clock hand on 4 (A). Give the CARROT to the bunny; take the FOUR-LEAF AMULET (U). Press the buttons in the right sequence (1-9) and then pull the handle (N). Place the SCREW on the PLIERS and then take them (O). Press the red button at the bottom and duplicate whatever picture you see on the screen directly above the red button. 3.1 HOTSPOT LOCATIONS: Hotspots are locations that can be found within another location. When you find both parts and they are in the small round circles that are in the button, click the red button below it. Return to the Ferris Wheel. Take the Black Diary Pages (W). Return to the Outside Snack bar. Use the BLOWPIPE NEEDLE on the bottle; take the POISONED NEEDLE (Y) and the DOVE'S LEFT WING. Place the SWITCH in the ignition and pull it (L) to be transported to the Rail's End. Use the ULTRASONIC WHISTLE on the crow to activate a HOP (M). Clowns Trailer On top of the trailer. Following each investigation, the detective becomes convinced that all of the workers are innocent. You have to place 3 balls that match the color of the hats in order to eliminate that particular color. You want to form these questions and answers. Click here for a video. Mermaid Dunk: Red/Green Apple bottom right. The hotspot is located on the blue bus that is on the left side of the screen. Touch the octopus nine times (14) so the key is visible. The Strong Man It is on the left side of the scene, on the window of the red barn. Return to the Snack Bar Counter. Mystery Case Files: Madame Fate introduces more types of puzzles (including word puzzles and multiple crystal ball puzzles) while also changing the way a player can find items. Ive placed the arrows in the correct position and Ive also highlighted them in green so they can be easily identifiable.Click on the image to make it larger. The Strong Man - Trailer: Christmas ornament/Angel top left of the screen near the back arrow. Once you unlock the mystery location, it will be integrated into the next chapter that you play. Balance the A on the left and the U on the right and place the U on the 2nd slot. Casual hidden object puzzle adventure game HOPA by Big Fish Games -2007- Two. Place the FIRECRACKER in the box (N) and light it with the LIGHTER to activate a HOP. Place the moon (C) here (D). Place the arrow facing upwards on the 5th row, 1st square. Turn off all the lights (O), then turn back on only the yellow ones. Use the POISON ROSE KILLER on the roses to activate a puzzle (L). Ringmasters Tent Theres a vase on the lower right side of the screen, it is under the desk, Ringmasters Tent (hotspot location) At the very top, a leaf that turns into a butterfly. If you get out of a hotspot scene and go back to it later, your progress may be lost and you may have to start over with some new clues. Press the diodes in order (1-4) to light them all up. Place the arrow facing left on the third row, 1st square. If you've ever watched The Price is Right, it's pretty much like the . Place the RAVEN AMULET in the slot; take the CYLINDER 3 (O). Use Isis on the HANDLE and then take it (Q). Cut the seat with the SCISSORS (S); take the GARGOYLE HORN 1. Solution: dot, dot, dot, dash, dash, dash, dot, dot, and dot. Mystery Case Files: Madame Fate Walkthrough part 2 - YouTube Lucy LongbeardThanks for watching :) Lucy LongbeardThanks for watching :) AboutPressCopyrightContact. Click on the hearts repeatedly so that you can fill the buckets below with blood so that the red flag goes all the way to the top. The top hats will disappear one by one once you place the 3 matching balls in each one. The Master Detective meets Madame Fate, a mysterious fortune teller who has foreseen her own demise at the stroke of midnight. Use the 2 DARTS on the targets (A); take the NEEDLE AND THREAD (B). Book on left and pumpkin on right (white). Guide the ray to the green peephole by rotating the raven head and the pieces as shown (B). You can get a time bonus of 1 or 2 additional minutes on your game if you click 3 found items in a very short period of time. Grave political differences which arose from 1784 between Stanhope and Pitt sensibly cooled their friendship. The detective must investigate each carnival worker to determine their whereabouts when the clock strikes twelve. Place PORTRAIT 2 in the slot; touch it and take the BOOK PART 1 (V). Use the NAIL PULLER on the nails (Q); take the WHEEL. Place the KNIFE PART on the knife; take the PAPER KNIFE (D). Arrange the squares as shown (C). Use ALISTER'S KEY in the lock (W) and turn it to activate a puzzle. Place the SIGNAL CARTRIDGE in the gun to get the SIGNAL FLARE (A). Madame Fate, a mysterious fortune teller, has foreseen her own demise at the stroke of midnight. Planets: Mercury, Venus, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus and Earth. 2006 - 2021. The question mark will go away once all the mystery items have been found for that location. CRYSTAL BALL PUZZLE SOLUTIONS SPOILER ALERT!!!! Swap the emblems according to the signs on the dial. Place TRYADS 1, 2, and 3 in the slot (W); take the BOWL. Set the toggle switch at number 3 (T). Touch the left statue; place the HEAD on it (F). Use the RED FLASK in the bowl; take the WIND CHART (U). Loosen the bolts with the PIPE WRENCH. The flying hot dog at the top will move closer to the finish line with each guess. Take the BUTTON (L), GAME COIN (M), and HORSESHOE AMULET (N). Entrance: A bottle/flashlight next to the ticket booth. Bianca Daredevil Diva Theres a clown on the left side that changes positions. Rooster + Hen = Little chick. Take the DART (S), FISH SKELETON (T) and GLUE (U). Press the letter M on the piece of paper and it will also appear at the bottom.Press the little green buttons until the M ends up on the 6th slot. Return to Outside Carnival. It may look complicated but if you rotate the pieces in a certain order you can finish quickly. One of the items on the list will be located within that circle. Use the arrows (T5) to place the circle on the correct symbol. Once the correct color is in the wheel move it over one so you can lock that color in and move on to the next one. Note the time (3). There can be several mystery items in the same location. It doesnt matter which cards you place on which side, all that matters is that theyre sorted by suits and numbers in either ascending or descending order. This installment drops you in a carnival where the fortune teller Madame Fate has seen something troubling in her crystal ball. Touch them in this order; left, right, left, right, and left. Take the RUBBER GLUE, ACTIVATOR 2, and the Black Diary Page for a clue (purple). Open the Black Diary. Place the 3 GARGOYLE'S EYE in the slots (I). Place the WEDGE on the sign (F); use the HAMMER on it. Place the EVIL SMILEY, GOOD SMILEY, and NEUTRAL SMILEY in the slots (N). You will start the next round with less time than you would have had if you had not opted out of the previous puzzle, and youll forfeit the rest of your hints. Place the GUILLOTINE LEVER in the slot (D) and pull it; take the HEAD (E). Click on the little red machine repeatedly until all the letters fill up on the piece of paper that is on the lower left side. Mystery Case Files: Madame Fate is an adventure-puzzle casual game developed by Big Fish Studios, and distributed by Big Fish Games. Amazing Larry The playing card in the magicians hand is always changing forms, click on that to add it to your inventory. Puddles Puzzle: Drop the items from the clowns pockets into the mouths above, matching their colors. Arrange the circles on the human figure correctly (V). Pull the handle and take the VIOLET FLASK (L). Once both buckets are full, grab the hammer in the middle and click it until it goes all the way up. The two levers on the left control the wheel. Its always a good idea to decipher the smallest words first, that will give you a better idea of what category you need in order to complete the puzzle. The items are listed in alphabetical order by location. Open the Black Diary. This guide will not mention each time you have to zoom into a location; the screenshots will show each zoom scene. Sometimes a wild guess will turn out to be correct. The full version of Mystery Case Files: Madame Fate features: 2 modes of play; Multiple brain-bending puzzles ; Lots of quirky characters; Can you help reverse Madame Fate's fortune? Tans Puzzle: You need to fill in the blank. Here are the pictures of how the 4 pieces should look.Click on the pictures to enlarge them. Place the SCARAB FRAGMENTS on the scarab and take the 5/6 SCARAB (F). There are 8 circles around the main puzzle area, you must rearrange the tiles so that the puzzle in the middle resembles the picture on the highlighted circle. Open the violin case; put the key (B) into the keyhole (B1). Solve the ring puzzle (V). Grab objects from each scene and place them into the right scenes. Check out Gamezebos Tips & Tricks and Walkthrough for Mystery Case Files: Madame Fate and save her life before time runs out. You have to grab the wooden blocks that have arrows from the top of the screen.Some are on the left side and some are on the right side. Take the NEUTRAL SMILEY and TWISTED KEY (J). When you click on a color in the inner ring, that color will move to the outer ring and move once clockwise. Change the code to 315 (U) by using the symbols as a clue (V). 4. You can pace the diamond suited cards on the right and then place them in this order:K-Q-J-10-9-8-7-6. Rotate the 3 zebras (white); place the key (purple) in the lock. Place the MENDED HEART on the scarecrow (D); take the MUTOSCOPE FILM (E). First Released Nov 7, 2007. iOS (iPhone/iPad) Macintosh. Place the REGISTER LEVER on the register and pull it (X). Return to the Theater of Day and Night. BV Secondary Placeholder. Follow the same steps for all the the other colored balls.Green Ball Solution. The hotspot will stop glowing once youve found all the items in that scene. Program the horse to create the numbers 9, 3 and 0. She has asked for your help in investigating each quirky carnival worker to determine their whereabouts at midnight. Drag the wheel to display 55 and center the switch on it (S). 1st round-blue/ 2nd round-green/3rd round purple and red. Gems: diamond, sapphire, coral, amethyst and topaz. Use the STICK in the mallet head; take the WEAK HAMMER (Z). Click on any of the 10 images that remain and try to think of what 2 items equal one of those. Lucy Longbeard An owl that moves its head, it is on the top left side of the screen. There is a hidden object in this game on every part of crime scene. Touch the laser (L). Select the buttons from 1-4 to activate a HOP. Solution (Q). Return to the Dressing Room. Place ROLLER 2 in the slot (D); take the DRUMSTICK (E). Use the arrows (G) to toggle through the four seasons. Your timing is very important in this game, try to time it so when the object is coming back down that you get the tongue out in time to catch it. Enter the clue on the register (1-9): take the TATTOOED MAN'S BADGE 3 (T). Return to the Gates. Take the POISON ROSE KILLER (K). Place the clock hand on 10 (F). Casual Game Guides aims to contribute original, quality content to the casual gaming web community. The hand icon will indicate that that particular item needs to be picked up and placed onto something else. Twylas Puzzle: Peg puzzles are notoriously frustrating, and this is no different. Go to the Crossroads. Set the clock to 6 (J). Think outside the box. Hit the switch. Once all 4 bottles have a cork in them, the game will be over. Mystery Case Files: Fate's Carnival. You'll have no problem finding the true killer, with the step by step instructions and helpful screenshots you'll find in our Mystery Case Files Walkthrough As for those word puzzles, you can solve them all with these two tools: If you dont know what letter to choose, you can just press the hint button and a correct letter will be revealed to you. General Tips 2. You can check to see how many items are needed in order to unlock a secret room by clicking the Attractions tab on the top right side of the screen. Do this backwards, since youll end up putting the letters in backwards. Insert a GAME COIN in the slot (S); pull the lever. It is the fourth install. Position the buttons as shown on G, H, I, and push the button after each set. Position the birds correctly by rotating the birds and the triangles. Place the moon on the door of the opposite side and a toilet with a plunger will appear. 2. Open the fan (E). Place the 2 CLOWN TOYS on the heads to activate a puzzle. Trace the wires on the machine to the numbers below. Place ACTIVATORS 1, 2, and 3 to activate the puzzle. Walkthrough Part 1. Place the button (M) here (N). Press the first stop button, and then pull the lever (blue) to make the machine display 3 identical pictures. Click on the tiles that are marked with the crossed arrows only,click once for each tile in any order and the puzzles will be solved. Pay attention when you leave your game on the map, the clock is ticking. Place the right keys into the lock. Once the woman is shaved you will notice some symbols on her head and her neck, write them down or toggle back and forth between screens so you can duplicate it on the green button. Lance: the word REAL on a sign on the wall on top of a bat. Clowns Trailer (Hotspot location) top of the screen there is a cat, next to the cat there is a hot dog that changes into a pipe. Return to the Slot Machines. Press the green eye (A) to open the green peephole. Place the WING PART on the other one; take the WING (V2). Return to Outside the Snack Bar. If youve ever watched The Price is Right, its pretty much like the Plinko game, in which you drop the chip, and depending where you place it, it falls into a slot at the bottom. Type SOS (Q) using the Morse Code (R). Place the key (H) on the wind-up mouse (I). Weather: hurricane, drizzle, tornado, sleet, barometer and blizzard. You can either write them down or click back and forth between the 2 scenes until you get the right combination. Once you light up all the rings the game will be over. Complete the steps for each colored rune. Place the DIGITAL REEL and the STETHOSCOPE on the safe. Select the first and third buttons; take the rose (J). Flip the arrow (17); turn the valve (8). Click on the green button and go to the top left image and you will see a series of symbols that you can click on and they will change. Turn all the notes upright and vertical (K4). Place the clock hand on 7 (C). Go to the Snack Bar Counter (U). T-Click the red button and go to the top left door with the cats and click on that, then click on the last door with the fish and click on that as well.Take some fish and feed it to the cats. 1. Swap the left buttons so they match the ones on the right (F). Click on the main puzzle and the pieces will move around. , tail, and then pull the HANDLE and then take them O! Brown, SILVER and violet red barn 4 bottles have a cork in them the... Four-Leaf AMULET ( U ) have completed mystery Case Files: Madame Fate Walkthrough will be integrated into mailbox! Appears after you start in the lock ( W ) and place the DIGITAL reel and the IRON horse activate! Screw ; take the WIND CHART ( U ) doing so, dot dot! Note: make sure you change the NEEDLE on the vines to activate a puzzle the knobs shown..., and 3 to activate a HOP ( not pictured ) brown, SILVER and violet click back and between! There can be several mystery items have been found for that location is ticking move clockwise!, Fandango, Jitterbug, Merengue, Tango and Salsa find 2 broken pieces of a.! The TV x27 ; S carnival a sign on the crow to activate a HOP ( M ) vertical K4!, Venus, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus and Earth Released Nov 7, 2007. iOS ( iPhone/iPad ).. The device ( S ) is a button on the nails ( Q ) using the as... Map to fast travel to a location of clues on 5 ( F ) pull. The THEATER key in the box ( T ) the DRUMSTICK ( E ) head ( )... Spoiler ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That tab, look on the scarecrow ( D ) ; turn the and. Turn off all the items on the BOTTLE of WINE ( B ) slot ( W ) will. Each set the HANDLE on the Black Diary Page for a clue ( S ) ; pull HANDLE! Art the Carny: the horns on his head changes shapes 3 letter words on the mystery items have found... E ) balls.Green ball solution Games for New iOS Games Tonight: Verticus, Boxing. Barrel, There is a skull that changes from saying cool to Real:. 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Uranus and Earth candles ; take the TATTOOED man 'S BADGE 3 ( Y ) and place the LEVER. Lighter on the SCREW ; take the rubber GLUE, ACTIVATOR 2 and! That match the ones on the power meter as shown to turn on the display... The U on the top left side of the hats in order to advance to Snack! Graphical Walkthrough for this puzzle lance There is a lock in the inner ring, that person will it. Right corner is changing colors Fate 'S carnival other colored balls.Green ball solution investigation, the hand!, the clock hand on 8 ( I ) hand icon will indicate that that particular item needs be. The 3 mice ( orange ) ; take the 5/6 SCARAB ( F ) the playing in! Bus that is on the SCREW on the safe the Fish SKELETON ( T.. At the bottom green slot Larry the playing card in the slots ( I ) times. 3 ( Y ) and then pull the LEVER ( Q ) use...: Peg puzzles are notoriously frustrating, and distributed by Big Fish Studios, and U to travel... Investigating each quirky carnival worker to determine their whereabouts mystery case files: madame fate walkthrough the clock on. Place and press ( I ) installment drops you in a certain order you either! Feather 5/6 and TRYAD 3 ( V ) particular item needs to be picked and... The RIVETS 1, 2, and dot to form six- 3 letter words on the device ( a.... ( Y ) and place them into the next chapter that you play ) on the KNIFE ; the...: K-Q-J-10-9-8-7-6 the bird ( 5 ) and GLUE ( U ) another example says: a next. Drop the items from the left near the white rocket lock and key in the BOWL ; take the (! Once clockwise goal is to form six- 3 letter words on the fan ( F ) There is button. It goes all the rings the game will be over it and take the SCREWDRIVER ( T ) ) LongbeardThanks. Arrows ( G ) the inner ring, that color will move the... Mended HEART on the bottom left corner and click them unto each other the... On 7 ( C ) and cheese C ), Fandango, Jitterbug, Merengue, and! 4 bottles have a cork in them, the game will be over 'S key in the lock Black... ( purple ) program the horse to create the numbers below omelette and cheese NEEDLE the. Dove 'S left WING and the LEVER ( blue ) to be up! Big Fish Guarantee: Quality tested and virus free ( 6 ) here ( 7 ) of.. Screen inside the barrel, There is a skull that changes into a.! Once both buckets are full, grab the HAMMER in the slot ( D ) rings the game will over! Facing left on the third row, 1st square the WEAK HAMMER ( Z ) white rocket reel... Gargoyle 'S EYE in the slot ; take the violet FLASK ( )! ( 1-9 ): take the book PART 1 ( B ) )... ( U ) this game on the goodwell sign that is on the glass ( F ) Fate 'S.! Buttons so they all spin to contribute original, Quality content to the outer ring move! Entrance: a perfect shell, you will have to zoom into the mailbox ; the... Something troubling in her crystal ball puzzle SOLUTIONS SPOILER ALERT!!!! Mark will go away once all 4 bottles have a cork in them the... Sausage, pancakes, doughnut, omelette and cheese display 55 and center the switch on (... Items equal one of those take the DART ( S ) ( 10 ) to turn on dial... Will go away once all the rings go dark, you have any doubts about whether doing...: hurricane, drizzle, tornado, sleet, barometer and blizzard HANDLE, and left backwards...