montgomery county judges contact information
Email:, Phone (937) 496-7548 We advise the following for jurors using canes, crutches, or wheelchairs: the most easily accessed entrance from the Juror Parking Lot and the Overflow COB Garage is the optional Juror entrance located on the side of the Circuit Court, facing Route 28/East Jefferson Street. Pay online with ePay. . 38th Judicial District Judges' Contact Information Montgomery County Court House 2 East Airy Street P.O. If you need legal advice, you should contact the Dayton Bar Association, Legal Aid, or a private attorney. Montgomery County 38 (Vacant) Silow Court of Common Pleas of Montgomery County Montgomery County Courthouse PO Box 311 Norristown, PA 19404 Cheryl L. Austin, S.J. 14 W 4th St 4th Judicial District - Montgomery County Surrogate's Court. Circuit Courts generally handle more serious criminal cases and major civil cases. The Court also approves settlements in wrongful death actions and minor injury claims. Montgomery Circuit Court 27th Judicial Circuit of Virginia Circuit Courts Informational Pamphlet. Sent to all prospective jurors and used to determine whether an individual is qualified. Montgomery County Circuit Court ADDRESS: 50 Maryland Avenue, Rockville, MD 20850 HOURS: Monday through Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm PHONE: 240-777-9400 Select a department Montgomery County District Court: 301-563-8800 Partner Agencies Inclement Weather/Emergency Closure Phone #: 240-777-9399 MD Relay 711 Service Kids Spot: 240-773-3915 Appellate Judges . President Judge Honorable Carolyn Tornetta Carluccio Court of Common Pleas of Montgomery County Montgomery County Courthouse PO Box 311 Norristown, PA 19404 phone: 610-278-3450: Email:, Montgomery County Courts Building The first Judge of Probate for Montgomery County was David Campbell who was in office from 1850-1875. Martha Hidalgo-Rubio - Special Magistrate. You might also be interested in: Government Officials Boards and Commissions Courts Circuit Court (765) 364-6450 Clerk's Office (765) 364-6430 Montgomery County Public Defender's Office (765) 361-4141 Probation (765) 364-6460 Prosecutor The Montgomery County Commission is pleased to spearhead the world-class outdoor recreation and entertainment district, Montgomery Whitewater. Garrett D. PageMaureen McNiff, Secretary610-278-3175Deviona Edwards, Law Clerk610-278-3561Chambers FAX Number610-994-2815Hon. County Court at Law 5 Judge Keith Stewart 210 West Davis Suite 250 Conroe, Texas 77301 Phone: 936-538-3615 Fax: 936-538-3617 : County Court at Law 6 Judge Scharlene W. Valdez 301 North Main Office: Suite 107 Courtroom: Suite 113 Conroe, Texas 77301 Phone: 936-538-5380 Fax: 936-538-5390. Map to guide you to the Circuit Court by car, rail, bus, or foot. Contact Us; Elections & Voting. Court Address: Montgomery County Courthouse. . Montgomery County District Attorney Contact Information. Circuit Courts are where jury trials are held. Check here for information about Probation Services. Find local administrative orders and rules; Montgomery . Please have your badge ID number available when you call. The general division has original jurisdiction in all criminal felony cases and in many civil cases. About the Courts Montgomery County is the 38th Judicial District of the Unified Judicial System of Pennsylvania. General Division Judges The General Division of the Montgomery County Common Pleas Court is a trial court of general jurisdiction that provides prompt, fair and just resolution of litigation in civil and criminal cases. ),,,, Judge Wiseman Elected Administrative Judge,, ADA Accommodations & Nondiscrimination Statement. The Jury Office also has a large refrigerator in which to store items that need to be kept cold. Judge Campbell previously served as Probate Judge in 1838 when the office was still a part of the county court system. The Court of Common Pleas has five divisions: Civil, Criminal, Family, Juvenile, and Orphans. Wendy G. RothsteinSami Hansell, Secretary610-278-3006Marshall Schreibstein, Esq., Law Clerk610-278-3875Chambers FAX Number610-994-2823Hon. 4th Judicial District - Montgomery County Supreme Court. Phone (937) 225-4055 Judge Montgomery is a member of the Dayton Bar Association, the Ohio State Bar Association, the Dayton Lawyer's Club, the Carl D. Kessler Inn of Court, and the Ohio Common Pleas Judges Association. Dayton, OH 45402. For directions and parking information, visit the County Government's website. Judge Bonifant has served on the Montgomery County Divorce and Family Roundtable since 2014. Administrative Probate Court Courthouse Annex III 101 South Lawrence Street 3rd Floor Archives Courthouse Annex III 101 South Lawrence Street Enter basement at the corner of Washington & Lawrence . Any citizen selected for a jury trial serves for the duration of one trial, regardless of how long that trial may be. 2021. Find out how to reach your Clerk of Court and other offices and representatives in Montgomery county. Montgomery County, Missouri (Judicial) Ballotpedia provides comprehensive coverage of the 100 largest cities in America by population as well as mayoral, city council, and district attorney election coverage in state capitals outside of the 100 largest cities. Can I get work release with Electronic Home Detention? The Probate Court possesses exclusive jurisdiction over the administration of estates and trusts, appointment of guardians for incompetents and estates of minors, adoptions, the issuance of marriage licenses, name changes, commitment of the mentally ill and various other actions. Illinois Judicial District Map 2022. County Clerk, Judge, or Other Info: Staff: Wesley C. Dalton, Circuit Judge , 104 West Main St.; Kelly C. Broniec . . For questions regarding Jury Duty, please call 240-777-9090. Contact Information: Phone Number: 573-564-3341 Fax: 573-564-3914. Email:, Phone (937) 496-3033 Photo by Diane F. Evartt. The Montgomery County, Ohio Common Pleas Court General Division follows the Montgomery Countys procurement policy and procedures and obtains support from the Countys Purchasing Department and Auditors office. The 120-acre development will be anchored by an Olympic standard recirculating whitewater course and will also feature climbing areas, zip lines, ropes . Mary Wiseman Hon. Judge Montgomery graduated summa cum laude from Ohio University in 1994, receiving her B.A. Claudia L. Laird. The probate judge is also the Clerk of the Probate Court. Analytics. Jury staff can provide accommodations such as interpreters for the deaf and CART (Computer Assisted Real-Time Transcription) services for those who do not use American Sign Language (ASL). . Helpful Resources Judges Judges' Contact Information Court Administration Custody Mediators Magisterial District Court Administration Contact Us Norristown, PA 19404-0311 Staff Directory Vernon, GA, 30445 or call 912-583-2521 for inquiries. Phone: 937-225-6000. Risa Vetri FermanDodie McGlinchey, Secretary484-674-6584Amy Rosenstein, Esq., Law Clerk484-674-6594Chambers FAX Number610-994-2818Hon Todd D. EisenbergVirginia Anderson, Secretary484-674-6541Amanda Swarbrick, Esq., Law Clerk610-292-2183Chambers FAX Number610-994-2814Hon. You can contact the Montgomery County jail in several ways: you can visit the offices at 208 Broad Street, Mt. Montgomery County Courts Building Steven T. ONeillAudrey Bartkowski, Secretary610-278-3985Charles Giambrone, Esq., Law Clerk610-278-6587Chambers FAX Number610-994-2813Hon. By ANNA COBURN - Staff Writer. Offering easy access to the court for prompt problem resolution; Ensuring efficient case management by a professional and courteous staff; Upholding the law and delivering justice in an equitable and just manner. MONTGOMERY COUNTY COURT OF COMMON PLEAS COMMISSIONER VACANCY - PRESS RELEASE, The procedures for filling a vacancy to an elected office by a court of common pleas are outlined in Pa. Rule of Judicial Administration 1908, MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT REESTABLISHMENT PROPOSAL - 2022, MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE DIVERSIONARY PROGRAM, EMERGENCY JUDICIAL ORDERS (Updated 5/31/2022), PROTECTING CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION & DOCUMENTS - HERE'S HOW, PROTECTING CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION - HERE'S HOW, PROTECTING CONFIDENTIAL DOCUMENTS - HERE'S HOW, Magisterial District Courts Docket Sheets, Montgomery County District Judges Offices, GENERAL AND DIVISIONAL PROTOCOLS (PENDING). Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. Montgomery County Courthouse 2 E. Airy St. Norristown, PA 19401 p. 610-278-3000 Hours Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. COUNTY COURTS Pennsylvania Courts of Common Pleas Common Pleas President Judges Common Pleas Judges District Court Administrators Individual County Courts Docket Sheets Careers Login Courts Supreme Court 100 South Main Street. Lois E. MurphyCarol Piantone, Secretary610-278-3759Emily Geer Hippler, Esq., Law Clerk610-278-3461Shelley Goldner, Esq., Law Clerk610-292-2177Chambers FAX Number610-994-2812Hon. Justice Wise and her husband, former Montgomery County District Court Judge Arthur Ray, are the proud parents of Hanah-Mathis, a recent graduate of The University of Alabama. Ohio Birth Certificate After Foreign Adoption, Petition for Release of Adoption Information (Identifying/Non-identifying information), Request for Notification (Non-identifying adoption information only). ANDERSON COUNTY County Judge Robert D. Johnston 703 N. Mallard, Ste 101, Palestine 75801 ANDREWS COUNTY . County. Phone: 859-498-5966 859-498-5991 Payment options: Cash, money order, check (check will be held 10 days to clear bank), credit and debit cards (fee applies). General 240-777-9400. 270-377-3970. ADDRESS: 50 Maryland Avenue, Rockville, MD 20850 Map Parking and directions HOURS: Monday though Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm PHONE: 240-777-9400 Careers COVID-19 Updates Jurors Call-in information Jury parking Map & directions More juror topics Research the Law Reserve a conference room Search case records Get a marriage license ADA Accommodation Circuit Courts also hear domestic violence cases. Jail records, court & arrest records, mugshots and even judicial reports. Contact Info. 58 Broadway. Election Judge Program fax - 240-777-8578 Montgomery County Board of Elections ADDRESS: 18753 N. Frederick Ave, Suite 210, Gaithersburg, MD 20879 Maps & Directions A Kilmichael man stands accused of grand larceny by his neighbor. Montgomery, Alabama 36102-1667. Contact information for court judges; County Name & Address Contact; Adams County 51: Honorable Thomas R. Campbell Court of Common Pleas of Adams County . Welcome to Montgomery County, a thriving community that has become a great place to raise families and run a business or develop your career. Thomas C. Branca. If no one objects to the name change, and the Court does not have questions about the Petition, (3) the judge signs the Decree for Change of Name. Thomas C. BrancaChristy Kramer, Secretary610-278-1067Mark Sesso, Esq., Law Clerk610-278-3899Chambers FAX Number610-994-2802Hon. Philip A. Tracy A. Gilbert. The library is located on the first floor of the Heflin-Torbert Judicial Building. Clicking on any of the judges' names will bring you to a biography in the Maryland Manual On-Line: Contact the Judges James A. Bonifant, Circuit & County Administrative Judge Carlos F. Acosta, Associate Judge Marybeth Ayres, Associate Judge Bibi M. Berry, Associate Judge 14 W 4th St MONTGOMERY COUNTY County Judge Mark J Keough 501 N. Thompson, #401, Conroe 77301 MOORE COUNTY As a trial juror, you will be paid a stipend of $15 for each day of service. Muhlenberg County Judge Executive. Office of Indigent Defense. Judge of Probate Notary Department P. O. Joseph M. Sise. In the event of any conflict between policy & information on this website the Montgomery County procurement policies prevail. A. Nicole Tate-PhillipsRukshanna McLaurin,Secretary610-278-3696Kristina DaCosta, Esq., Law Clerk610-278-3193Chambers Fax Number610-994-2800, Senior Judges:Hon. The total process will take approximately 2 to 2 months from the date of filing the petition to have the final decree signed. 418th District Court Montgomery County District Court. - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. The District Court does not conduct jury trials. Some records are not readily available like adoption and mental health records. Kimberly A. Melnick Magistrate Jeannine Myers Attorneys Appointed Counsel Program Contact Local Rules Carolyn T. Carluccio, President Judge, Magisterial District Courts Docket Sheets, Montgomery County District Judges Offices. Submit. Judicial Center, Room 322 50 Maryland Ave., Rockville, MD 20850 (240) 777-9600 Judicial Center (from Courthouse Square), 50 Maryland Ave., Rockville, Maryland, February 2002. However, the wearing of face masks for fully vaccinated jurors is voluntary. Mens Achievement Recovery Court (M.A.R.C. Montgomery Whitewater is scheduled to open in 2023. - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. Transcripts/Previously Recorded Courtroom Audio. She is currently a member of the Common Pleas Court Case Management and Technology Committees. Terms of Court and General Information. The man accused, Patrick Christy, was summoned to the court by Judge Larry Bamberg for a preliminary hearing after his neighbor, Jason Rosen, filed a complaint. The Court of Common Pleas has a complement of 24 full time Judges. If you are a Grand Juror, please follow the instructions on your letter and summons. in English and education from Baylor University in 1990. . During her tenure with the Prosecutors Office, she served, among other positions, as a Supervising Attorney at Care House, prosecuting felony crimes involving physical and sexual abuse of children, as well as a Trial Supervisor, training and managing trial attorneys on multiple judges criminal dockets. Rebecca A. Slezak. Thu,01/12/23-9:00AM, 1,352 Reads. For questions regarding Jury Duty, please call 240-777-9090. 359th District Court Montgomery County District Court. Mary Katherine Huffman Hon. Check here for the latest Job Postings for the Court. SUPREME & COUNTY COURT. Visit the Divorce and How Do I Start a Case? E. Gerald Parker, Jr Hon. pages for an overview of divorce cases and step-by-step instructions on filing a petition. page. Montgomery County is the only county in the 15th Circuit of Alabama. Changing the name of an adult begins by (1) filing a Petition and (2) requesting that the Court publish a Notice of the Petition. Mandee Hogge, Secretary610-278-3181Kyle Walder, Law Clerk610-278-3164Chambers FAX Number610-994-2822. The Montgomery County Probate Court is dedicated to resolving matters and disputes fairly and efficiently. Mens Achievement Recovery Court (M.A.R.C. To help manage thiswe have implemented e-filing. Forms and instructions over many of the subject matter filed within our Court are provided on this website. Contact information for court judges; County Name & Address Contact; Adams County 51: President Judge Honorable Michael A. George Court of Common Pleas of Adams County . How can I find out what offense someone is on probation for? Visit the Domestic Violence Assistance page for a list of resources. . To assist me in managing the court records, the deputy clerks maintain and make available to the public all of the Probate Court records. This county is outside of that coverage scope and does not receive scheduled updates. Check here for instructions on your Jury Service. How do I adjust my microphone settings for Bluejeans? Trina Armstrong, Senior Judges Coordinator I 240-777-9030, Montgomery County Bar Association Lawyer Referral Service, Montgomery County Department of Health and Human Services, Steven B. Gould, Supreme Court of Maryland, Anne K. Albright, Appellate Court of Maryland, Rosalyn Tang, Appellate Court of Maryland, Terrence Zic, Appellate Court of Maryland, Patrick L. Woodward, Appellate Court of Maryland, Montgomery County Mental Health Court, Montgomery County Department of Health & Human Services, Noelle Gunzburg, LDSW-C, JD, Clinical Supervisor, See Maryland Rule 2-543 for specifications, See Maryland Rule 2-542 for specifications. Susan D. Solle Hon. Status: Ch. In the event of any conflict between policy & information on this website the Montgomery County procurement policies prevail. Dayton, OH 45402. Public Information Officer Patricia E. CoonahanLauren Genovese, Secretary610-278-3457John J. Monahan III, Esq., Law Clerk610-292-5013Chambers FAX Number610-994-2805Hon. Click here to pay your ticket through Texas Online Records. Contact - Montgomery County Common Pleas Court About The Court Case Management Probation Services Information Technology Business with the Court Specialized Dockets FAQ Contact the Court Videos Contact the Court Name * E-Mail * Phone Number: * Subject * Message * Sorry, a problem occurred trying to communicate with Google reCAPTCHA API. 251 South Lawrence Street. Box 311 Norristown, PA 19404-0311 Hon. An investigation is underway into a potential compromise of a shared electronic system among the Hinds County Sheriff's Department, courts and prosecutors that may have prevented individuals from making bail and returning to their families and jobs. Address. Dayton, OH 45422, Reibold Building PUBLISHED: November 30, 2022 at 11:35 a.m. | UPDATED: December 1, 2022 at 7:23 p.m. NORRISTOWN Montgomery County President Judge Carolyn Tornetta Carluccio, the first woman in county history . PO Box 137. Alabama Supreme Court and State Law Library 300 Dexter Avenue Montgomery, AL 36104 Hours The Library is open to the public Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. except State holidays. by Moss, Sasser, R. Smith, Penny. 14th Judicial District Court Contact Us; 300 E Main Street Suite 201 Independence, KS 67301 Phone: 620-330-1070 Fax: 620-331-6120 Chief Clerk of the District Court: Becky J. Dye Mental Health Court Services. Home Departments DepartmentsC CountyJudge, Suite 401 - Fourth Floor of the Alan B. Sadler Commissioners' Court Building, 2022 - Montgomery County, Texas. at Baylor Law School. ### CONTACT: Bradley Tanner Public Information Officer 410-260-1488 Terri Charles Asst. in Political Science. Circuit District: 5 | Circuit: 4th Montgomery County 120 North Main Street Hillsboro, IL - Illinois 62049 Trial Court Administrator Jaime Warren 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. (217) 532-9540 (217) 532-2142 Visit Website Phone: 518-853-4516 Fax: 518-853-3596 Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. E-Filing is mandatory for select case types Departments L - P. Law Library. Montgomery County Courthouse in Montgomery City, Missouri. Henry S. Hilles, IIIMichele Painter, Secretary610-278-3460Harsha Mikkilineni, Esq., Law Clerk610-278-3920Chambers FAX Number610-994-2824Hon. Montgomery County. However, if someone has contested the name change, or if the judge has any questions about your Petition, he/she may schedule a hearing. Montgomery County Jail Contact Details. Mens Achievement Recovery Court (M.A.R.C. The Hon. General information is also provided on our FAQ page. Alabama Supreme Court and State Law Library 300 Dexter Avenue Montgomery, AL 36104 Hours The Library is open to the public Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. except State holidays. Home Government Courts CommonPleasCourt-ProbateDivision. Accommodation requests must be made by telephone (240-777-9090) or submitted in writing to the Jury Office (50 Maryland Avenue, North Tower, Rm 2100, Rockville, MD 20850). . Senior Judges are called upon to hear settlement conferences, status conferences, pretrial conferences, and to try cases if necessary. Do I need to respond to civil case filed against me? Legal practice in the Probate Court is restricted by law to attorneys who are licensed by the Supreme Court of Ohio. Contact the Jury Office at 240-777-9090 between the hours of 10:30 am and 4:00 pm Monday-Friday. Please note that you will need at least 15-20 minutes to find parking, get through security, and check in at the jury lounge. The Justices will take their oaths of office at . P Juror Parking, OFFICE HOURS: Monday though Friday 7:30am - 4:30pm, PHONE HOURS: Monday through Friday 10:30am - 4:00pm. Montgomery County Court House2 East Airy StreetP.O. 1-24 of 24 results in PA. Judge Name. House Bill 476 (Public) Filed Wednesday, March 31, 2021. WARNING: The email address listed shall only be used for the purpose of sending proposed orders or as otherwise specifically authorized by court personnel. 9th District Court - Montgomery County District Court. Montgomery County Court. AN ACT TO ESTABLISH A STANLY COUNTY RESIDENCY REQUIREMENT FOR TWO DISTRICT COURT SEATS IN JUDICIAL DISTRICT 20A. Yes. Amsterdam City Court . Box 311Norristown, PA 19404-0311 Hon. These include juvenile and other family law cases such as divorce, custody, and child support. The following is a listing of the Montgomery County Circuit Court Judges. It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to the Montgomery County Probate Court's web site. ), ADA Accommodations & Nondiscrimination Statement. [1] The people of Montgomery County are served by a Circuit Court, District Court, Probate Court and a Municipal Court. What trial jurors and Grand Jurors can expect when they arrive, in the courthouse and in the courtroom, WIFI access; map to local eateries and shops in Rockville Town Center. Bays earned a B.S. MONTGOMERY COUNTY COURT. PHONE: 240-777-9090 NOTE: The Circuit Court opens at 7:30 a.m. TWO MONTGOMERY COUNTY MEN FACE FELONIES. In Montgomery County, Circuit Court judges sit as an orphans' court. The Montgomery County Court of Common Pleas is a trial court of Common Pleas in Pennsylvania . Judge Montgomerys courtroom iscourtroom 2. Courts. Box 1500 Fonda, NY 12068 . However, some trials may be longer. 14 W 4th St Melissa S. SterlingRachel Deenis, Secretary610-278-3995Wendy Bookler, Esq., Law Clerk610-278-5911Chambers FAX Number610-994-2826, Hon. How can I find out if someone is a sex offender? Montgomery County Toll Road Authority. The following list contains links to County courts and judicial offices along with their contact information. Montgomery County District Attorney's Office Address: We continue to monitor developments regarding the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) and its impact on court operations. Additional listings of attorneys for adults and children, and self-help guidance may be found on the Circuit Court website. Hon. Contact Information. Intro. Media Media links. Welcome to Montgomery County, a thriving community that has become a great place to raise families and run a business or develop your career. Mailing Address. Check here for information about Pretrial Services. P.O. The following is a list of magistrates at the Circuit Court. Judge Love was born and raised in Montgomery, Alabama. 936-756-0571, Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, Montgomery County Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management. P.O. ), ADA Accommodations & Nondiscrimination Statement. Call the Family Justice Center at 240-773-0444. Montgomery County Courts Building Judge: Hon. How can I find out if someone has a warrant? Thomas M. Del RicciNatalia Hordijenko, Secretary610-278-3771Beth Snyder, Esq., Law Clerk610-278-3559Chambers FAX Number610-994-2807 Hon. The judge reserves the right to keep a panel of jurors longer than one day if the jury selection process has not finished. . In addition to being handicapped-accessible, the outside and inside walls are equipped with automatic door buttons. Timothy N. O'Connell Hon. The responsibilities of the Probate Judge are far more complex and demanding than they were in the 1850s. NOTE:The Circuit Court opens at 7:30 a.m. The United States District Court for the Middle District of Alabama has jurisdiction in Montgomery County. How do I connect to the courts with Bluejeans? Dennis J. Adkins Hon. Public Find information helpful to the public. such other matters arising under this Chapter and set forth in the court's case management plan filed pursuant to Rule 16-302 (b). William R. CarpenterChristina Serafine, Secretary610-278-5902Jennifer Kessel, Esq., Law ClerkChambers FAX Number610-994-2804Hon. The Circuit Courts hear most cases appealed from the District Court, orphans courts, and some administrative agencies. Jury Duty, District and County Clerk of Court, Phone Number, and other Montgomery County info. . 4th Judicial District - Amsterdam City Court. The Senior Judges are as follows: uncontested divorce, annulment, or alimony; preliminary or pendente lite possession or use of the family home or family-use personal property; subject to Rule 9-205, pendente lite custody of or visitation with children or modification of an existing order or judgment as to custody or visitation; subject to Rule 9-205 as to child access disputes, constructive civil contempt by reason of noncompliance with an order or judgment relating to custody of or visitation with a minor child, the payment of alimony or support, or the possession or use of the family home or family-use personal property, following service of a show cause order upon the person alleged to be in contempt; modification of an existing order or judgment as to the payment of alimony or support or as to the possession or use of the family home or family-use personal property; counsel fees and assessment of court costs in any matter referred to a magistrate under this Rule; stay of an earnings withholding order; and. Dayton, OH 45422, Reibold Building Contact Information Address 251 South Lawrence Street Montgomery, Alabama 36104 Mailing Address P.O. The Montgomery County Probate Court is dedicated to resolving matters and disputes fairly and efficiently. This contact form is deactivated because you refused to accept Google reCaptcha service which is necessary to validate any messages sent by the form. Montgomery, Alabama 36104. Appeals from the Middle District go to the United . If you are on a trial that lasts more than five consecutive days, your stipend will increase to $50 for each day served starting the 6th day. Cheryl L. Austin. ADDRESS: 50 Maryland Avenue, Rockville, MD 20850, HOURS: Monday through Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm, Montgomery County District Court: 301-563-8800, Inclement Weather/Emergency Closure Phone #: 240-777-9399, Amanda Kim, Senior Judges Coordinator 240-777-9029 Reibold Building 14 W 4th St Dayton, OH 45402 41 N Perry St The District Court in Maryland is one of two trial courts (where most cases start) in Maryland. Judge Montgomery is a member of the Dayton Bar Association, the Ohio State Bar Association, the Dayton Lawyers Club, the Carl D. Kessler Inn of Court, and the Ohio Common Pleas Judges Association. Carolyn T. Carluccio, President JudgeLynne McCafferty, Secretary610-278-3450Francesca Conroy, Esq., Law Clerk610-278-3214Chambers FAX Number610-994-2803 Hon. Clicking on any of the judges' names will bring you to a biography in the Maryland Manual On-Line: James A. Bonifant, Circuit & County Administrative Judge. 50 Maryland Avenue. Contact Us: 501 North Thompson Conroe, Texas 77301. You will be told the length of the trial upon arrival in the courtroom. Court. SL 2021-148 (Sep 10 2021) Montgomery County Courthouse Annex III 101 South Lawrence Street Montgomery, AL 36101 Hours of Operation: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Additional Resources. ADDRESS: 50 Maryland Avenue, North Tower 2nd Floor, Rm 2100, Rockville, MD 20850 Map Directions Judge Montgomery was elected to the Common Pleas Court Bench, General Division, in November 2018 after serving nearly 21 years as an Assistant Prosecuting Attorney with the Montgomery County Prosecutors Office. CONTACT: Clerk of Court Megan Rhodebeck, (334) 229-0700. In civil cases the District Court has exclusive jurisdiction in claims of $5,000 or less, and concurrent jurisdiction with the Circuit Courts in claims for amounts above $5,000 but less than $30,000. Box 311 Norristown, PA 19401-0311 Physical Address: 2 E. Airy Street Norristown, PA 19404 Ph: 610-278-3224 email: : The jurisdiction of the District Court includes all landlord-tenant cases, domestic violence/peace orders, replevin actions, motor vehicle violations, misdemeanors, return of property, and certain felonies. Box 1667 Montgomery, Alabama 36102-1667 Email: WARNING: The email address listed shall only be used for the purpose of sending proposed orders or as otherwise specifically authorized by court personnel. Rockville, MD 20850. Judicial Branch courts and offices are closed Monday, January 16, for MLK Day holiday. Contact us Court Administration Mailing Address: P.O. DIRECTIONS. Thomas P. RogersSandra DeYenno, Secretary610-278-4814Colleen Galbraith, Esq., Law Clerk610-278-1207Chambers FAX Number610-994-2816Hon. Montgomery County is within the Kansas Fourteenth Judicial District. Home Detention how do I adjust my microphone settings for Bluejeans: Tanner... People of Montgomery County Courts Building Steven T. 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Carluccio, President JudgeLynne McCafferty, Secretary610-278-3450Francesca Conroy, Esq., Law Clerk610-278-6587Chambers Number610-994-2813Hon. 936-756-0571, Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management Judges & # x27 ; Connell.... Judges sit as an orphans & # x27 ; Connell Hon here to pay your ticket through Texas records. Kept cold of resources from the date of filing the petition to have the decree... Whitewater course and will also feature climbing areas, zip lines, ropes &! And Family Roundtable since 2014 Number610-994-2803 Hon your ticket through Texas Online records badge ID Number available when call! 573-564-3341 FAX: 573-564-3914 can contact the Jury Office at, mugshots even! A Circuit Court opens at 7:30 a.m. TWO Montgomery County is the Judicial! Offices are closed Monday, January 16, for MLK day holiday SterlingRachel Deenis, Secretary610-278-3995Wendy Bookler Esq.. 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