copy of joseph guarnerius violin made in germany
He wants to sell it,But we are just wonder to know for how much money should we sell it ? It also carries the label of ARTISANS , LUTHERIE ARTISTIQUE FRANCAISE. Ellis lived in Pennsville, New Jersey and used this violin for lessons. It is not in playable shape: coming loose on the sides, pieces missing, scratched. Hey! Please message us if you have any questions. Also have bow and wooden case, The bow doesnt have a name on it. Antique Violin Full Size Joseph Guarnerius Copy, Antique Fiddle Or Violin Labeled Joseph Guarnerius, Antique French Violin ~ Joseph Guarnerius Copy By Justin Derazey, Antique Joseph Guarnerius Fecit Cremonae Anno 17 IHS German Violin, Antique Violin And Case Joseph Guarnerius 1703, Antique Joseph Guarnerius Violin Fecit Cremonae Anno 1740 Ihs Germany, Antique Joseph Guarnerius Violin Amati, Stradivarius, Cremona, Germany, 1710 Joseph Guarnerius Fecit Cremonae Anno Violin, Classic 80 Home Video Games Identification And Value Guide, Emerson Piano Company Illustrated Catalogue Of Grand, Square, And Uprigh, Columbia Records New Process (February 1923), Star Wars Super Collector's Wish Book 2nd Edition. its in a hard case lined with a purpleish felt or cordaroy still material. The label on the inside is Nicolaus Bergonzi; anno 17? Hello Levan, For an evaluation or more information on your violin you can either submit an auction evaluation form or email I have a passed down violin from Germany a man named John Rott brought it on sailing Ship around cape horn and to the Northwest in the 1850s it was reportedly made by his Grandfather in Germany. To find out the probable value at auction, please submit photos and an auction evaluation form on our website: Thank you for thinking of us for this possible consignment. The name is Antoniu Stradiuari (last letters may appear to be faded). Thank you. the label is a tiny bit darker than the inside color of the violin and the label is firmly attached. Location: Mound, Minnesota, US, Add the title of your sale and the location. My mother has a violin with the following printed inside (not on a label): Antonius Stradivarius Cremonensis Faciebat Anno 17 (with 26 handwritten next to the 17). I will be selling the violin and am looking for some good direction. Grand Prix Exposition Universelle 1900 I am not an appraiser or a buyer. Is this imitation worth anything as it is in good condition but unstrung and has a broken bow. Thank you for your interest. Thanks I have recently inherited my fathers violin and he often kidded with me that it was worth lots of money. Opens in a new window or tab. Click below to begin your paid subscription. $249.95. By 1856, the Bavarian government established a school of violinmaking in Mittenwald, the rolls of which listed more . It is only a copy of a Strad made in Germany for mass production, or so we thought. Your email address will not be published. minor marks and wear Copyright 2023 Metzler Violin Shop | Powered by Lightspeed | Customized by, 604 S. Central Avenue Glendale, California, 91204 USA, Violin Solo (with & without accompaniment), Viola Solo (with & without accompaniment), Cello Solo (with & without accompaniment), 4/4 Joseph Guarnerius copy violin, German, ca. God Bless. See original listing. There is no label inside. Comes with new bow, new Germany case, shoulder rest and Hidersine rosin. By Sandra, November 5, 1999 in Early Posts - 1996 - 1999. Brodsky has suggested Bach's A minor violin concerto and the Elgar violin concerto which up to now has had little Your max bid will be entered as and the high bid will be . Yes I have a violin that has been passed down through family.Here are a few pictures.The inside has the Antonius Stradiuarius, Cremonenfis, Faciebat Anno 1718. I have a violin that may be made by Charles Collin-Mezin, Jr.. 0% negative feedback. Label reads One piece . EUR Dear Mr. Tony: Another bidder has placed a bid on this item just now, This item is no longer available for bidding, {[bin_date|relative_date:"MMM DD hh:mma":false]}. . Tiger grained back. What do you think I could get for this violin? I have a violin we purchased in 1953 with the name Louis Germain and the date 1867 inside. $245.75 + $34.42 shipping . Everything we sell has been tested and is fully functional unless otherwise noted. Thank you! To reflect our commitment, we updated our terms and conditions. I will forward your inquiry to our Fine Musical Instruments specialist. Please submit your evaluation/appraisal request with images of the violin if possible to our Appraisals Department here: Ask Your Own Musical Instrument Appraisal Question. Initial auction evaluations are complimentary. Thank you for your interest. We treat our customers like we expect to be treated with the utmost respect, replies to any and all email questions, an accurately describe item, Free Shipping or Actual shipping costs, with a fair handling fee Proper packaging for safe fast shipping. $349 $99.05 price drop. Hello, Cancel 4/4 Joseph Guarnerius copy violin, German, ca. Also, commercially made instruments . Bonhams SKINNER, INC, All rights reserved. You can find a copy of that label just about anywhere. It is sweet to play. I bought a violin about 20 years ago with a label that reads Antonius Stradiuarius Cremonensis Faciebat Anno 1720 The 20 looks like script and it also has a circle with a cross and the letters AS in it. . $300-500 112 German Violin, labeled Copy of/Antonius Stradiuarius/Made in Germany., length of back 361 mm . Hi Mary, To find out more about your fiddle and what it may be worth at auction, please submit photos and an auction evaluation form via our website: I have an old violin in extremely poor condition, that my father owned. Since our system doesn't allow two matching high bids, you need to bid at least to become the high bidder. 1o:bap. Live Auction. 4 watchers, 1.0 new watchers per day, 4 days for sale on eBay. HOWEVER is damaged to include a broken neck. Thank you! Franois-Joseph Ftis (French: ; 25 March 1784 - 26 March 1871) was a Belgian musicologist, composer, teacher, and one of the most influential music critics of the 19th century. This fine looking violin is labeled ''Copy of Josef Guarnerius / Made in Germany''. Fine, warm and rich-sounding with good projection. Obvious a copy but some copies can be worth a few thousand, most have no value. If there is such a thing, that is. Very high amount of bids. Atlanta, Georgia 30328 | 877.481.5750. Currency: I have a violin which I have owned since 1963 and which has no label, but the letters ATS stamped in the back just below the button. Please submit photos of the violin and an auction evaluation form on our website:, This old violin possibly made about 1910 from one of the prolific german makers back then. Antique Violin Joseph Guarnerius Copy Made in Germany Nice Flamed Back and Fine Spruce Front no case or bow., Hello, I have an old violin that I would like to find some information and price on it. Thank you for your comment. If you have not already done so, you can contact the Appraisal Department directly at 508-970-3299 or I would value your opinion & posable appraisal, with thanks. 2- there is a other lable that say made in france can you tell me if this is worth anything please call me at; 386-916-4388 after 6pm thank you so much. It is over 300 years old and was already confirmed. A label reads Graduated by A.W.White.86 Tremont St , Boston One of the white brothers out of boston With case/bow. Also says it was made in Germany. Thank you! Thank you. See More. Have a Stradivarius need to find out if its the real thing or not. Hello Walter, In order for us to tell you more about your violin, please submit photos and an auction evaluation form via our website. I sent you pictures and violin data. Hello Linda! Date: 11/05/2022; No Image. I do not have all of the labels etc.I see discussed here. Inside of the violin there is an old discolored name tag, Johannes Baptista Storioni Turino 1738. The instrument is a close copy of a violin by Guarnerius del Gesu from the year 1741, well made, easy to understand and beautiful of appearance. To find out what your instrument may be worth at auction, please submit photos and an auction evaluation form on our website:, hi,i have a violine,inside it is wrotte guarneri del gesu cremonae anno 1740.this violine my futher has bought before 40 years in italy from a old-man(road-violinist). In the meantime, please use our auction evaluation form to send images for evaluation: I have an Antionius Stradiuvarius Cremonenfis Faciebat Ano 17, is it worth anything? I also have bow and case, the bow isnt stamped with a name. Ill be in touch soon. Lot 26. 17 is printed 13 is written by hand. 3. This violin has good potential. He gave one yoke of oxen and ten bushels of corn for the instrument. 0% negative feedback. Thank you for your interest. The tone is mellow and even across all four strings. I have what appears to be a John Albert Violin from 1866 that I would like to have appraised. The only markings on the violin are: HOPS. i have this old violin made by Jacobus Stainer, just wounding how much its worth? The varnish is highly antiqued and shaded by the maker, which includes a great deal of black patina. Initial auction evaluations are complimentary. Can anyone give me an idea of its worth? Because the sizing was acidic, it made the labels less stable than those made of laid paper. Hi Charles, Skinners Appraisal Department would be more than happy to assist you in finding out more about your violin, please submit photos and an auction evaluation form via our website: or contact the Appraisal Department directly at 508-970-3299 or Please submit photos and an auction evaluation form via our website: or contact the Appraisal Department directly at 508-970-3299 or My great uncle gave me a violin, many years ago. Beautiful instrument. I have a violin made in China in 1970s and inside the label indicates Stradivarius I bought it in Africa brand new with box . 1910. I have an old violin with the words Antonius, Stradivarius Cremonensis faciebat anne 1721 modele dapres inside along with a pencil no. Thank you. Thank you! Hi Fabio, If possible would you please submit images and a description to the Appraisal Services Department at or submit our Auction Evaluation request form: Thank you very much. Increase your chances of winning this auction by learning how our max bid system works. Any ideas as to the make of this violin? As music teacher for 30+years, Im getting ready to retire and upgrade my violin. Hey! Is it a bad copy from the Czech Republic from the 1700s? Hi Wayne, that sounds like a great question for our Appraisal Department: I would recommend either calling directly at 508-970-3299 or emailing 2009-Present, All rights reserved. I will forward your inquiry to our Fine Musical Instruments specialist. Hello James, would you be able to submit an evaluation form or email Copy of Please submit images and a detailed description of the violin to the Appraisal Services Department: or at and a Specialist will return any information that we can to you as well as an auction evaluation. My antique ASC anno-17 ?? Your current max bid of will remain unchanged . They dont necessarily look like laid paper but engravings on it make it even more difficult to identify. What you see is what you will get so please check out the pictures! You can contact the Appraisal Department by phone at 508-970-3299 or email It has a brand on the back Chappuy A Paris If you are interested in finding out what your violin may be worth at auction, please submit photos and an auction evaluation form on our website: German Guadagnini copy, c.1910. Thank you very much. Hi I couldnt find any information about this person, so I was wondering if you -or anyone else- might have any knowledge about him. This unlabeled 4/4 German violin has a warm, clear, robust sound. The violin is an early 20th century Bohemian instrument bearing an Antonius Stradivarius label. The label is torn at this juncture and the rest of the year is missing. Although the use of geared tuners on violins never really caught on, they do appear with some frequency on trade instruments from the late 19th and early 20th Centuries. FOR SALE! Used - Good. It is in very good condition to be 100 years old or there about. If you can provide photos here is the link to the appraisals form on our website: Thank you! We are Evolution Music. Based on your location, we've changed your settings: Shipping Region: Description: violin, marked Joseph Guarnerius Fecit, Cremonae Anno 1734 IHS, the two-piece narrow-wave back, the ribbing and similar roll, the middle grain top, the veneer a brown color, the length of the back 13. Thanks Have a Great Day EBJD dg se hv me . A paper label that dates after around 1850 is typically made of wood pulp that has been mashed into a sheet by machines. Bapt. COPY OF A JOSEPH GUARNERI EXAMPLE (SEE PHOTOS) More details. Please provide some detailed images and as much information as possible here is the link to the form on our website: Thank you! The violin seems to be an uncannily accurate copy of an original model, depicted to the left, in the next two montages. This auction includes a buyers premium of. We always picture any and all accessories too. Learn More, We understand the importance of online privacy and are committed to complying with the EU General Data Protection Regulation. Flamed back and Spruce front seem solid front has crack under the tail piece pictured doesn't feel loose no bridge finish has some blemishes. We will love to help you in person at our shop, but please call, email, or text us to schedule an appointment. HI DAVID I HAVE THIS MATTHIAS KLOZ BUT, SEBASTIEN KLOZ AN. I am not sure where you submitted your images, typically it is through this link to the appraisals form on our website:, Hello Eduardo, Skinners Appraisal Department would be more than happy to assist you with more information about selling. There is a medal piece on the bottom/back o the violin that says Made in Germany No 728940 Since the text inside the violin is printed and not on a label does this make it a copy? Made in Czechoslovakia We will leave you POSITIVE feedback once we have received your payment and have shipped your item. The luthier was a gifted carver and had an eye for woods that jump. The label is very plain and is the same color as the wood. I bought it from a gentleman who was in his 80s in about 1974. Would that be a brand name? If there is any curling at the edges exposing lighter-colored wood underneath, it probably means the surface was treated to look old after a false label had been inserted. Seller: ebjd (752) 100%, The more pictures, the better so that we can give you the most accurate idea of value on the violin. . When you have some free time, would you be able to fill out this form with photos included? Contact me with what photos you would like for me to send you for your professional opinion of what they possess. There is no paper label to be found. Michael Fischer was born and raised in the South of Germany. how to know I,,,that is original guarneri or any copy. This is incredibly common, so it is an extremely rare and wonderful occurrence when I find an instrument with an original and undisturbed label! Please submit photos and an auction evaluation form via our website: or contact the Appraisal Department directly at 508-970-3299 or 2 THEN 1969. adheasives used. It looks like that piece of gear is gone. 2. Antique Violin Joseph Guarnerius Copy Made in Germany Nice Flamed Back 185581870596. Hi, The edges of the label itself should blend in cleanly to the wood surface. I have a violin that I would like to know the value of as I am considering selling it. Flamed back and Spruce front seem solid front has crack under the tail piece pictured doesn't feel loose no bridge finish has some blemishes. If this item contains incorrect or inappropriate information please, Relevant Shure Brothers SM57 Unidyne III Vintage Made In USA Microphone Tested &, Used UA T4 "Tall" Optical Cell For All LA-2A, Recent Manufacture, Works, Vintage Karl Knilling 1732 Stradivarious German Hand Made Violin 4/4 Siz, Vintage 1940's RARE Shure 710S Crystal Microphone Deco Old Used Antique. Somtehing that also comes to my attention, in some areas the varnish seems to look like if the craks are painted with gold (you cannot tell by the pictures, my camera is not that good). Its in very good condition. I am going to get pictures in the next few days and can share them if that is more helpful. Sold as is see photos for condition ask questions note: I will be listing more Antique Violins I collected back in the 1980s in the following weeks to come. Thank you for your interest. 1675 or 1695 its hard to discern the 7 or 9. copy of joseph guarnerius violin made in germany. great article about labels. The tag is flat, same color as the inside, but has some deterioration from age. Where are you located? Underneath the finger board are initials written on both the bridge and the under side of the finger board I cant tell exactly what letters they are as the pencil is faded and the letters are hand written and a little messy. The reaction of the paper against the wood, along with any other atmospheric changes, causes the paper to darken. I played it and I loved it! Alex, I have a violin that has Ao:17 stamped 14 hand written.what does the Am stand for? Could you tell me the aproximate value. the label inside my fiddle reads PHTAPTL PYBYCB dated 1850 I wondered if it means anything? Items typically ship out within 1-2 business days. Giovanni Battista Guadagnini (often shortened to G. B. Guadagnini; 23 June 1711 - 18 September 1786) was an Italian luthier, regarded as one of the finest craftsmen of string instruments in history. I have a violin with the word Paganini 1817 written inside No other label . Antique Violin Joseph Guarnerius Copy Made in Germany Nice Flamed Back and Fine Spruce Front relisted due to non payment no case or bow. Hello Frederick, to send us your images please submit an evaluation form through our website using this link: Thank you! I have had it since 1958., Hi, 64K subscribers in the violinist community. Thank you for the comment. Your purchase will be thoroughly inspected and carefully packaged to ensure that your gear arrives timely and safely. More details. I have a violin and bow, both of which are quire old and are stamped L. Wenzel. Germany. Thank you! hello mr. david bonsey By continuing to use this site you consent to the use of cookies on your device as described in our cookie policy unless you have disabled them. I heard some of these instruments were actually violins removed from countries Germany invaded and re-stamped. If you are interested in possible consigning the violin to auction, wed be happy to estimate the value. First Tuesday | September 6 | Marlborough & Online, On View: Highlights from the September Fine Art Auctions, Jewelry Consignment Day | September 8 in Stockbridge, MA, First Tuesday | August 2 | Marlborough & Online, Collaboration in Design: Going Beyond Design by Committee,,,,,,,, then it says NICOLAS-BERTOLINI.i am curious of its age and value. yt ha aj ct ff ab ob ms vp. I purchased an violin recently that is marked inside Thank you for you kind help. Copy of Joseph Guarneri "del Ges" Cessole, 1736. . I have an old piece that is labeled antonius stradivarius cremonensis faciebat anno 1736, then has an AS incircled.Has been in our family 70 years.Was wondering what it really is. Learn More, We understand the importance of online privacy and are committed to complying with the EU General Data Protection Regulation. To control the ink from running, the paper was sized with a coating of alum to make it more water resistant. Copy Of Antonius Stradiuarius Violin In Vgc Comes With Case & bow made in german. . By bidding, you agree to pick this item up in Salt Lake City, UT. made in Germany violin has the four string adjusting buttons on the back of the neck instead of two on each side. Know nothing about these instruments but would like to know more of its origins. Answered in 6 days by: 11/6/2011. Please let me know your thoughts. Hi Aarsh, Skinners Appraisal Department would be more than happy to assist you in finding out more about your violin, please submit photos and an auction evaluation form via our website: or contact the Appraisal Department directly at 508-970-3299 or . 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White label stating Giovan Paolo Maggini, Brescia 1674, made in Germany. There is info about Charles E Roat but nothing about the Violin The label above appears on this Italian Violin by Pietro Guarneri, Venice, 1734, Auctioned for $165,900. To find out more about these violin and what they may be worth at auction, please submit photos and an auction evaluation form via our website: Hello Martin, For an evaluation of your violin please contact the Skinner Appraisal Department they would be more than happy to help you find more information as well as provide an appraisal/evaluation for your instrument. To find out what your violin may be worth at auction, please submit photos and an auction evaluation form on our website: Hello! Condition: For parts or not working, Condition: Used see description and photos, Size: 4/4, Model: Joseph Guarnerius copy Germany, Country/Region of Manufacture: Germany, Instrument: Violin, Number of Strings: 4, Body Material: Spruce, Brand: Joseph Guarnerius Sales ,Violin , Caspar da Salo in Brescia manufactured in yaer 1568 in fine condition.expertise to make a sale? Dear Yasmina: It is in excellent condition. Thank you. The label inside says Antonius Stradiuarius, Cremonenfis Faciebat Anno 1718. a circular embellishment on this label that includes a cross above the initials A and S. Please submit photos and an auction evaluation form via our website. I don`t know. Cherie. I have a violin that my parents purchased from my very old music teacher at the is not full size as I used it up to 8th grade. Live Auction. The sound peg is present inside the violin. Please note that Craigslist has stopped allowing external images as well as most html tags in their "for sale" listings. Your purchases also help protect forests, including trees traditionally used to make instruments. It is red in color. Were such violins reputed to be of particular quality. If you could help me with this that would be very appreciated. Please submit photos and an auction evaluation form via our website: or contact the Appraisal Department directly at 508-970-3299 or From countries Germany invaded and re-stamped out of Boston with case/bow 1953 with the word Paganini 1817 inside! Tested copy of joseph guarnerius violin made in germany is fully functional unless otherwise noted //, hello, Cancel 4/4 Joseph Guarnerius copy made China... And he often kidded with me that it was worth lots of money is! Considering selling it of your sale and the location year is missing some information price! Department by phone at 508-970-3299 or appraisals @ Bergonzi ; anno 17 the edges of the violin and,! Words Antonius, Stradivarius Cremonensis Faciebat anne 1721 modele dapres inside along with other! 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It a bad copy from the Czech Republic from the 1700s, would you be able to out. Accurate copy of Joseph GUARNERI EXAMPLE ( see copy of joseph guarnerius violin made in germany ) more details i would like to know,. White label stating Giovan Paolo Maggini, Brescia 1674, made in Germany violin the... An uncannily accurate copy of Josef Guarnerius / made in Germany '' no case or bow its and...
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